Howdy! Yes I do update it from time to time, along with the plot idea section, and character section. Mainly I don’t see the point in creating seven thousand different ‘seeking role play’ threads. Being organized can help! Believe it or not I haven’t played Odyssey. I haven’t had an interest in the games since they killed off Desmond, I felt like that was a poor writing choice and I was very much looking forward to playing Desmond in future games and using the assassin skills on modern day buildings (scaling the Eiffel tower, running along the great wall of china, climbing the statue of liberty) the games stopped building a present day story and started to focus solely on the past and it lost my interest as a series. I can’t say using the ACO as a base for a story interests me from an Ancient Greek standpoint but I’d be up for discussing something different. As for Firefly based I highly recommend you watch the show before you try to do a role play within that universe. The move summed it up pretty well but did not do the justice of the show. PM Me and we’ll talk more!! Anyone else also interested in chatting?!