[b]Introduction[/b] i really want to do a Rise of The Guardians rp, and seeing how that there aren't any, i decided to do one myself. for those of you that don't know, Rise of The Guardians is an animated movie which involve legendary figures from children's folklore such as Santa Claus, the Sandman, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, and even Jack Frost who protect the children of the world from the darkness and nightmares of the boogeyman Pitch Black. so i wanted to do an rp where our characters would be beings from folklore and legends who would ether fight against the boogeyman or join his forces of darkness. watch these two trailers and you will get what i am going with here, [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPLiBxhoug0]trailer 1[/url], [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd71LWhCO4s]trailer 2[/url] [b]the Story[/b] many years after his defeat by the Guardians and the children of the world, Pitch Black has been hatching his plans for revenge against the Guardians. he plans to build an army far greater than before with many other horrors than just nightmares. The Man in The Moon has seen coming calamity and has chosen new Guardians to aid in the coming battle against the darkness. Will the Guardians prevail against the forces of darkness and fear? you will have join this rp and see. [b]the rules[/b] no god-modding no arguing or insulting other players in the OOC no gods since that would be too powerful. No OC characters, they all must have already existing stories, but you can create their history and personality anyway you want, just at least try to stay true to character that you select. just to keep the creativity up i will allow characters from fables, also cryptids like the Lochness Monster are allowed. if you plan to join this rp then i expect you to be dedicated by posting at least two times a week. if you are busy then please say so in the OOC or PM me. no speed posting, try to let people get the chance to read the post. no one line or sentence posts, i want at least one paragraph in a post. no killing other players' characters without their permission. [b]CS[/b] Name: Age:[this is determined by how long the character's story has been around] Gender: Appearance: Abilities Alignment:[The Guardians or Darkness] Center:[a Guardian's center is a very special trait which makes them able to bring good and miraculous things to the world and its children. although it hasn't actually stated in the movie, the bad guys also have a center which can be a very dark and frightening force to the world.] History:[it doesn't have to be very long but try to give us as much information on your character as you can.] Other:[ anything that also about your character that you want to add put it here] if you have any questions just ask. so whose interested?