Occ: I think this comment sound better. [quote=@Jasper19] Flint smiles." If you love with no regrets, you throw away all your negative emotions while only staying good, it's a facade that has your emotions building up. If you just act like your actual self you shouldn't have regrets " Flint said. [/quote] At the True Kings Dominion School the Anti-Kings Dominion School, Bless heard Flint. "But we are getting revenge our negative emotions, it's called trolling annoying the hater's critics that bother us. In fact, almost every second of the day we are being freaks, by trolling folks annoying them. How? We constantly use negative emotions converted into positive emotions actively to torment ass holes, by making them feel bad about themselves how they treated me or others. In simple terms, we heroes learned to evolve to make evil and good become our power only for positive the greater good. In simple terms, an ass hole reflecting on their life is a knife in the chess far worst than a real knife in the chess. In simple terms, even Darth Sidious Palpatine, regardless of sides would praise us for our game plan. To be honest Flint, I truly desire to hurt you for your life choices of wrong, but If I do that I risk destroying my influence plus power control over others. Pardon me Flint, we just merely converted sinning into gaining best desires and emotions into worth praise.", Bless said. Zion sighed. "No one is pure good Flint, we just were taught how to be crafty by only living on the positive emotion while channeling our negative emotions into being pure good power.", Zion said. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/eb/e5/b5ebe5ac2291808c3fef65449f3de15e.jpg[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000089453728/2ed4e0fb4b49bd6ba08b25a9990aef37_400x400.jpeg[/img]