[@Crusader Lord] It would kinda of break the immersion if we all know who and where the others were, wouldn't it? If you really want to know you can look back all the way when everybody posted their palces, but it's more immersive if you only see them once you see everybody else :D Edit: Alrighty, I read your post! First of all, I'm missing the little hider from the bottom that everybody writes, which isn't the end of the world, but it's probably one of the most helpful things you could make for both me and the other players. Once you read the post for the lore, if you need to quickly browse and see what happened when then you doN't need to browse through ALL the text to find what you're looking for. Or perhaps your people have not yet discovered hiders :lol The post felt great, even if a bit lacking in showing off your people, where and how they live, as well as their interactions with each other. Still, seems good to me!