Victoria heard footsteps quickly approach around the corner. A fist flew past her and impacted the Godding Vampire s that he dropped the lady on the ground with a yelp. She began to crawl away from the scrapping vamps, but she just had to glance back to see who it was that came to her rescue. It was none other than Lord Vail Hygrace. She gasped somewhat and turned from her hands and knees about to get up. He watched him watch the vampire scarper but before she could get to her feet and run from him or grab a weapon strewn on the ground, he was soon upon her like the predator he was. She could see his primal instincts in his eyes as he pinned her down. Her eyes stared up into his with somewhat terror glinting behind hers. But that voice of his, his close proximity to her ear, feeling his hot breath against her neck. She froze but she didn’t feel scared anymore. She could feel her heart almost burst from her chest. His pheromones relaxed her that she couldn’t fight back against the restraint. She knew he was only after her sweet nectar but somewhere deep down, the fact he had her pinned and wanted to take her blood, made her weak at the knee. His desire for her life essence was if he wanted her in a primal way between a male and female. The fact she’d never been this close to a man, made her feel excited. She didn’t want to get away from him anymore, she wanted to know what it would be like to have his teeth sink into her, though she’d knew it would hurt. She knew his tongue would soon be on her neck, which would drive her mad. Victoria knew the Hygrace heir wouldn’t kill her or bleed her fully dry, she knew at least if he claimed her as his prey, he wouldn’t let any other vampire prey on her. In a way he would guard her to be his. At least for this evening. She did tease him the night before with her cut finger. He did save her from the other vampire killing her. She guessed he deserved his reward and so…she turned her head to expose her neck fully to him as if submitting to his will. All his and ripe for the taking. She trembled waiting for the pain as her voice shakily whimpered “Be gentle….” She managed to plead to the Lord. Once he would have a taste it would be like nothing he’d ever taste before. The enriched blood would sustain him for far longer than any other person’s blood. He’d only need a small amount to feel invigorated enough to feel full.