[hider=Draco Aldridge] [center] [hider=Image] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/atelierseries/images/7/7d/A12_Sterk.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20111016231801[/img] [/hider] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color] Draco Aldridge[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Gender:[/color] Male[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Age:[/color] 20[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Alignment:[/color] Dark Shadow[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Rank within Organisation:[/color] Member[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Birthmark Shape:[/color][/b] [hider=Image] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/e9/2b/94e92b8fca5dbd2fc61f1e0e6739c6d1.jpg[/img]Bottom Right, Red One. [/hider] [b][color=FF00FF]Location of Birthmark:[/color] Back of Right Hand.[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Magical Ability:[/color] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/94/e9/2b/94e92b8fca5dbd2fc61f1e0e6739c6d1.jpg] Explosion Magic[/url][/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Place of Birth:[/color] Victoria, Australia[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Currently Residing:[/color] New York, America[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]Personality:[/color] Destro was born into a poor family, with is mother dying during child birth. His father however, angry with Destro for killing is wife, constantly belittled, beat and tortured him. Because of this Destro grew up knowing the world was a cruel and vindictive place. Destro is meticulous, vengeful and unforgiving. Due to his constant state of fear as a child, he bested it, overcame it, and came out fearless on the other side. Living on the streets, he learnt to manipulate those around him in order get what he wanted, honing in on this skill, he became more and more adept at it. With the world treating him as it did, he wanted only for those around him to fel that same pain.[/b] [b][color=FF00FF]History/Bio:[/color] [hider=Part 0 - The World of Gray] Destro was born into this world with pain in his heart, with the death of his mother looming over his head at all times, he couldn't see the world with color. His father, blamed him for her death, and used his son on the street to make a quick buck. Forcing Destro to steal, lie, and beat the poor, in order to help his own self. With his father beating him day in and out, Destro began to resent everyone and everything, using his free time to train, from fighting to killing blows, speed to power. He found a long smooth stick, about 5 feet long, he learnt swordplay. Becoming quite skilled in no time. When Destro was only 6 years old, his father had pushed him too far, with Destro turning on his own father, he attacked him over and over, with his dad dead on the ground, he continued to punch him, tears rolling down his face with ever punch. In the midst, his right hand began to glow, with a mark branding coming to life, glowing red with pure anger. This was when Destro learned of his magical powers, and began to turn his training from swordplay to magic use. [/hider] [/b] [hider=Part 1 - Into the World of Magic - TBA] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]