[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/ebaf9cbdde92c7897e853938cfe68fe5.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/2ceb96cd6ec45e7860629eaba32549e8.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/7319ad520a3d183de36cc74c70c78cba.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/f69e01734dd0dc01caa92521f051c8b4.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190811/e4e232ff3b8722daefe82b352022d237.png[/img] [color=c3c3c3]Location: Winged Boar --> Sky Bourne --> Faeril's Eyrie[/color][/center][hr][hr] Fatima had just enough time to fling her arms around the Eyrien’s neck and throw the taunt of [color=6E8E67]“See you at the hilltop!”[/color] before the sudden shock of being airborne cause her stomach to drop into her knees. She gasped as they ascended, the feeling of being so far from the ground was dizzying! She peeked her face out from where she had pressed it to Xandar’s shoulder. The world had dropped so far away. Her eyes were the size of dinner plates as she looked up at the man who carried her. The initial shock was wearing off and her face split into a wide grin as she laughed with true mirth. Before she responded she let out a delighted woop, wiggling a bit in his arms as she did so and then strengthened her hold on him in fear she would fall. And again she laughed. [color=6E8E67] “I’ve never flown before! I’ve always wanted to know what it was like to be a falcon. It’s… absolutely breathtaking!”[/color] She tried to turn to see if she could find the group below but had no luck. [color=6E8E67]“I don’t mind walking though,”[/color] she said as an afterthought. And as a second after thought she realized she was up in the air with no wings herself, with the Queen Killer. At least this would be a good test of loyalty. Or her death. Xandar laughed slightly as he saw her excited face in his arms, although he could certainly tell this was her first time flying. Most would either be very fascinated by the heights, scared of them and clinging for dear life, or some mixture of both. As an Eyrien he was very used to the feeling of flying it was almost like running, it felt great but it was just a natural part of life. [color=Crimson]“Walking is a bit of a pain when it’s up a mountain dear. I would rather fly if it means getting somewhere far quicker. Although when you fly as much as I have you get used to it I suppose.”[/color] he chuckled, his wings flapping in the cool breeze as he reached the summit and paused for a moment in mid-air, keeping them aloft. It seemed that there was a scuffle, several heavily armed Eyrien men were trying to make their way through the front door of Faeril’s dwelling. The Reaper smelled blood. [color=Crimson]“It seems we have some… unexpected company, Queen Fatima.”[/color] She followed his gaze down to the ground. She could not make out exact uniforms, but could tell that the men were certainly not welcome. Frowning, she turned her face up toward him. [color=6E8E67]“Is life with the Widow always this exciting?”[/color] she inquired with a note of humor. [color=Crimson]“To be fair, I have only been here a day. And so far? Yes.”[/color] He said with some truth to it as he quietly landed down behind one of the few trees in the front yard. He set Fatima down on her feet, taking her by the shoulders as he felt his adrenaline surge. [color=Crimson]“Now listen to me. I’m going to handle our… guests, with a warm welcome. I advise you to stay here until the dust has settled. It’d be very bad on my resume if you got hurt already.”[/color] Fatima pouted, crossing her arms beneath her chest. [color=6E8E67]“I’m a healer too, you know. Not just a Queen. I could be there to help anyone hurt. Well, anyone on our side I guess.”[/color] Xandar shook his head, patting Fatima’s as he looked over and pointed at the front door. [color=Crimson]“Alright, now how do you suppose you’re going to get in there and heal anybody with all of them standing in your way? That’s why I am going to remove them from the premises. Then you can do your job. Deal?”[/color] [color=6E8E67]“But, I could probably hit them with something. Like…”[/color] She looked around a moment before picking up a large, thick branch. [color=6E8E67]“Like this!”[/color] Unfortunately for her, this branch, while quite large and girthy, was particularly old and would break upon impact with anything. He took the stick in his one hand, snapping it in half and setting the half he had broken back down on the ground. [color=Crimson]“I like the enthusiasm, but please stay out of this. This is for your own safety. You have to trust me to protect you if you want me on your court, right?”[/color] The Reaper smirked, turning away from her. He vanished his armor on, a dark black color which hugged his muscular form as his eyes fixed on the group. His ebon grey now hung on his neck, and he used his craft to enhance his strength, feeling like he could lift a mountain in this state. Stronger, faster, more agile, this technique he learned turned him into a super soldier of sorts, although the effects only lasted as long as he kept the energy for it. And he had a feeling he’d have to use a lot. [color=Crimson]“I won’t be long.”[/color] Xandar said in a now dead serious tone, vanishing his warblade in his hand as he got ready for a charge. Fatima huffed as she watched him get battle ready, tossing her useless stick to the side. She maintained in her mind that his strength was what broke it. Not the feebleness of the weapon. Regardless she crossed her arms again and said, [color=6E8E67]“That’s what they always say,”[/color] in a quiet grumble. Finally, seeing she wasn’t going to get across to him she threw her hands dramatically into the air. [color=6E8E67]“Guess I’ll go find a place to hide then!” [/color] The notes to her tone were lemon sour. However, she was already planning the best way to sneak around and maybe punch someone. Well… Probably not that, but at least be more helpful than sitting on the sidelines helplessly. She could probably throw rocks or something. Right? Ignoring the quiet grumbling behind him, he was in a zone as he smelled blood and fear. He felt the Ebon-Grey cloak his body in a shield as he got ready to lunge, looking at the group of soldiers in front of him. There were nine in total out front, ranging from Purple to Green it seemed, and three more inside. It was quite the task force just for a common house raid, and he had a feeling they were after him. He didn’t want to hurt the rest of the people or the house though, but he had to do something. They could handle the rest of the three themselves surely, but he needed to cut the others off so they would face him. A plan hatched in his head. A near black dome enveloped the nine soldiers, and before they knew what happened, Xandar leaped forward in the air with his wings spread wide and his sword in hand. Before the soldiers could react, The Reaper slammed down into the ground with force, sending a blast shooting forward that sent five of them careening into the shield dome. Two of them died from the impact, plastered against the dome in a bloody heap as three more blacked out from the blast. The other four had braced slightly before impact, and they turned to look back at him as he heft his blade on his shoulder. [color=Crimson]“Be careful what you wish for, because death is always lurking around the corner.”[/color] Meanwhile Fatima took the chance, once his back was turned, to make her way through the forested mountainside and up toward where the men were. She gathered good, sharp looking rocks along the way. While she was attempting to find a nice tree to safely throw the rocks from, a dome of ebon-grey appeared. She frowned, suspecting it would not only keep things in but also out. She tossed one of her rocks and found her suspicion to be true. She figured it was safe enough to do so, since she could not get in, and howled like a wolf when some of the attackers fell. As a healer Fatima wondered if that was against some sort of code. Like she was supposed to heal everyone or something and only wish a being good will. In the end, what did it truly matter? Cuz these suckers needed to go down. As the fight continued she now looked for a way to get around the dome and moved toward the side of the Eyrie.