The cobblestones were slick with rain. That was one of the first things that could be discerned the moment that they passed through the door. It was evening, shortly before the sun set, the surroundings cast in faded orange. The buildings around them were tall, gothic structures made from stone, in the distance some displaying orange lights... not that it was easy to see much in the distance. On level with the streets, it was impossible to see past the maze-like arrangement of the gothic buildings. It continued downwards, as well, steps leading to a platform below them, and further steps leading even further down. The city continued upwards and downwards and into the distance. They had just exited some sort of shop, which was strange given that, if anyone bothered to check, the door was most certainly locked behind them. Perhaps disconcertingly, the shop was advertising aged blood cocktails on one hanging sign. However, that was far from the most disturbing element of their surroundings. There was the iron scent of blood in the air. Only a few steps forward would reveal why. There was a dead man on the platform below them. His corpse had been torn apart, savaged and shredded, the spray of fresh blood indicating it had been quite a recent death, and that he had been quite alive when it had happened. Sitting next to the body were two fat, enormous ravens, resting on their bellies as they tore strips of flesh away and swallowed them. Further down sat stacks of coffins, and the light of a mob of torches could be seen even more distantly below... [@Raineh Daze][@RolePlayerRoxas][@PKMNB0Y]