[hider=Ezekiel] [center][h3][b][color=0072bc]Ezekiel Trakazen[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/l8miajVm.jpg[/img][/center] [color=0072bc]Age:[/color] 17 [color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color] Ezekiel has emerald green eyes and long blond hair, which might serve to cast him into something of a more effeminate light when properly attired. Has a relatively average build, though he can hold his own should it come to fisticuffs. [color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Ezekiel is a slow burning flame. He is considerate, and passionate about what he believes in. Yet when he gets worked up, or finds a cause to which he can devote himself, you will be hard pressed to find someone more strident in advancing that cause, more burning and determined. Needless to say he can get really serious when the situation calls for it, and he doesn't do half measures. [color=0072bc]Affinity:[/color] Fire [color=0072bc]Abilities:[/color] [b]Flame Wall[/b] - Simple in form and function, this ability allows Ezekiel to create a burning flame in the form of a wall. There are two uses that he generally follows with this. The first is a wall horizontal to his location, and he can determine whether it is straight or curved, as well as the general height. The second is a wall that radiates in a straight line from his location, going until stopped by another object or after several meters. While it is possible to go through this wall, one should be prepared to brave the flames in the process. [b]Flare Star[/b] - Launches a projectile from Ezekiel's hand which detonates after traveling a moderate distance. Blinds those further away with a large flash while exploding with intense heat amidst those who are too close. Flammable objects may also catch on fire, though the heat depends on the magical energy he puts into the spell. [b]Imbued Essence[/b] - This ability allows Ezekiel to take any item that he currently has in his hand and light it on fire. Items held will not melt under the heat they radiate, and he can choose to alter the intensity of the heat projected. Flames will rapidly go out should the object he is using be removed from his hand. [color=0072bc]Oracle Emblem[/color]: A gem from a necklace, light blue. It looks like it is frozen, and peering deeper into it will reveal a network of tiny cracks radiating out from a glowing center. [b]Freezing Source[/b] - A simple Flowing Affinity spell, blowing upon his Oracle Emblem will create a magically enchanted wind which freezes anything in its path. The longer it is in the path of the wind the deeper it freezes, and the harder it is to break out afterwards. [b]Ice Barrage[/b] - Another simple Flowing Affinity spell, Ezekiel can launch icicles at a distant target. Usually comes in trios, though he can make more if he focuses. Can be deflected with physical force if properly intercepted. [b]Symmetry Wave[/b] - Activating the power of his Oracle, Water burns hot and Fire flows like water. His Alignment is flipped for so long as it is active, with the resultant changes in Resonance Clashes as well. [color=0072bc]Honest Blade[/color]: His Honest Blade forms a Dagger, burning a bright blue that licks hungrily at the air. Yet when it cuts it does not burn. Instead it drains all the heat, sucking it away until the afflicted is freezing. The heat itself transfers to the blade, leaving the target to slow and weaken from the pain, as ones passion and drive is used to fuel another. [/hider] [hider=Analisa] [center][h3][b][color=39b54a]Analisa[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/J7S2tRGm.jpg[/img][/center] [color=39b54a]Appearance[/color]: White hair, brown eyes, lithe build, flowing white dress, small scar on her upper left arm in a jagged line, on the taller side of things. [color=39b54a]Affinity[/color]: Tempestuous [color=39b54a]Personality[/color]: The quiet sort, Analisa is more inclined to go with the flow. On her bad days she is aloof and distant, leaving her Seeker to suffer in her absence. Other times she is cunning and deceptive, willing to use any dirty trick that she can find to weasel past an opponents defenses to get what she wants. So while she might seem like she doesn't care, that is usually not the case. [color=39b54a]Assistant Capabilities[/color]: [i]Fractal Storm[/i] - Forced to assist her Seeker, Analisa draws upon that deceptive side of hers. The area is blanketed in a thick mist within which Ezekiel can hide himself. Her magic also creates phantom images within the dense cover, leaving opponents never quite sure whether it is him or just an illusion. At least until he attacks. [/hider]