Inside the Tavern with No Name... Nobody in the tavern had reached for a weapon yet. All of them had weapons on or near their persons just in case, though. All eyes watched Ezlan as he strutted up to one of the tables and continued addressing them. When he lifted the veteran's drink and began to throw it back right in front of him is when the fight started. The double-hander didn't flinch despite Ezlan's impressive build. Indeed, the Caerbean was the strongest person in there hands-down. But the veteran didn't look to anybody else to see what he should do. He saw a man insulting him to his face. So he made ready to punch him out for it. Ezlan was quicker on the draw, having readied himself. As the man realed back to punch, the Caerbean slugged him squarely with enough force to send him tumbling over the tablle - but not quite enough force to knock him out cold. As he turned to announce himself, Ezlan would be able to get out only part of his introduction. "Ezlan," he yelled. "Son of a whore and a fisherman with too much coi-" The adventurer wearing chain mail had jumped to his feet and charged Ezlan after seeing his fellow knocked down. Whether he spoke up until he was hit or stopped early would be up to Ezlan since the man wasn't stealthy in his approach. While he failed to knock Ezlan down, he did manage to grapple him. As this went on, the man who had been knocked down in the first place climbed unsteadily to his feet and began pulling himself around the table to join the fight. On the other side of the room, the Ranger stood to his feet and casually picked up his bow. He made no attempt to grab for an arrow but he did tap one end of his bow on the floor loud enough to alert the others of his intention. His eyes were on Nemeia and Eomer. The fellow wearing the light blue cloak stood with a curious look on his face, trying to get a better view of the fight. Meanwhile, the two elite adventurers began moving toward the action. One of them, the shieldbearer, peeled off and began to put himself between Ezlan and his fellows. The other one seemed interested in hitting Ezlan a few times. [hider=Dice Results] Initiative Contest: Ezlan wins against Veteran Double-Hander Ezlan attacks and takes a non-lethal wound off of the Veteran Double-Hander Double-Hander assaults Ezlan but fails to wound Double-Hander successfully grapples Ezlan [/hider]