[center][h1][color=9370D8]Gavroche Marmalage[/color][/h1][/center] The wait for the Abbot was long, far too long. At some point in the wait, Gavroche became sick of waiting for the Abbot to arrive into his room, and in frustration, placed his hands into his pockets which caused a soft crunch. That's right. In all his anger and frustration, Gavroche had forgotten that he had a job to do. He heaved a defeated sigh at this fact and silently wriggled through the empty spaces to a knot hole that was directly above the Abbot's desk. The ceiling boards, unlike the floor boards, were nailed better into their studs. As such, Gavroche lightly rolled the letter and slid it through the hole, making a small noise throughout the empty room upon hitting the desk. Gavroche, hearing the noise, confirmed the letter was placed correctly, and with that, began crawling through the spaces towards the roof exit. As he was navigating the tight space, a recognizable voice was heard beyond the wall to Gavroche's right. Curious, Gavroche very quietly pressed his ear against the wall to listen. It was Suzy's voice, one of the urchin girls. An awfully familiar voice soothed Suzy, causing Suzy to moan out a sickly cry once again. Gavroche focused on Suzy's voice. She was sick, again, the fourth time in the year. Much to the annoyance of the crew, they had to baby her, but at the very least, the sickness was never too serious. This time it was very different. For one, Suzy never cried out like that, and two, she wouldn't even be in the Abbot's lodgings in the first place. This was serious, and the fact that it was made Gavroche grimace. With haste, Gavroche went to a nearby knothole and looked through. There Suzy was, lying unconscious in the arms of the Abbot. [color=9370D8]"Suzy!"[/color] Gavroche yelled out. Gavroche eyes widened as he clasped his hands over his mouth. Immediately, he began snaking to the roof access. In a few short minutes, the roof access was right before him. Gavroche pressed his hand against the the boarding and crawled out. After setting the tiling back down, a cool, night breeze blew against Gavroche's face as the stars in the night sky twinkled down on Gavroche. [color=9370D8]"Shoot,"[/color] Gavroche muttered. While assuring that nobody was looking, Gavroche stepped and jumped from rooftop to rooftop. After getting about ten houses away from the Abbot's lodgings, Gavroche carefully climbed down from the roof and began running through the alleyways to his house. As he was running, a dark figure stepped out, blocking Gavroche from moving forward. Gavroche stopped to a walk and furrowed his brow towards the figure. [color=9370D8]"Ugh, I delivered it. Now leave me alone."[/color] Gavroche began picking up speed and attempted to run past the figure when it caught his arm. [color=9370D8]"Augh! Let go of me!"[/color] Gavroche struggled until the figure talked. "And what did you deliver?" The shadow asked. Gavroche's face went momentarily pale. After a moment, Gavroche caught his bearings and answered. [color=9370D8]"Nothing, it's strictly courier's business!"[/color] Gavroche spat. Although Gavroche couldn't see beyond the hood, the figure seemed to smile, causing a shiver to crawl down Gavroche's spine. As if reacting to his fear, the man pulled out a knife and placed it on Gavroche's neck. [color=9370D8]"Okay, okay. I'll spill the beans. One of the Gold Teeth members sent me on an errand, the usual guy. He told me not to look at the contents, so don't ask me for that."[/color] The man lowered the knife from Gavroche's neck and stuck out a letter to Gavroche. "Deliver this to the Abbot, tonight." The man flashed his knife toward Gavroche. Gavroche nodded, taking the letter and booking it. For a split a second, Gavroche looked back at the figure to see a pair of eyes that reflected the moonlight like cat eyes. After that, Gaveoche never looked back. [hr] [color=696969] My last post.[/color]