Jackalope bounced to his feet, glaring at the Tinker. "Okay, what the hell was that? I try to keep anyone from hurting themselves on my power, and -" He broke off as the other cape's hands moved in a flurry of strange gestures; he'd have suspected some weird Tinker control interface, but given her silence... "Shit. I don't know sign language. Okay, uh - my power trail can make a pretty good wall, keep the tanks from coming closer without getting diced up. Got a problem with -" That was when another new cape seemed to...flow up next to them. [i]Guess it was a Changer after all.[/i] "Call me Jackalope, it's pithier. Listen, I can cut off their advance - my trail's sharp enough to dice metal. Should make them hold still long enough for you to get in there for...whatever you're gonna do, and liquids don't cut so you'll probably be fine going through it. I'll hold off long enough for you to get in there." He dropped the Changer from his attention, noticing her flow off out of the corner of his eye. Focusing, he knelt, letting the tension of his power build. [i]If I curve out the back here, swing back across the road, double back on myself, dive right as the bubble pops to get out of the line of fire...yeah, that should do it.[/i] Silently praying - to what, he wasn't sure - that the tanks wouldn't get a shot on him, he released his power, sending him blasting out of cover the opposite way he'd come in. [i]Please don't let them screw this up...[/i]