Spiders aren't the only animals out there, ya know. [hider=Primary Concept] [img]https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/3/35127/764813-jasontodd3.png[/img] [b]| Character Identity |[/b] The Batman / Bruce Wayne [b]| Age |[/b] 31 [b]| Character Differences |[/b] In 1939, Batman was created to be less a superhero and more of a pulp hero who dished out vigilante justice wherever it was needed. He didn't hold life as sacred as his contemporary reimagining, he had no qualms with using firearms, he had no supporting cast to ground him (not even a faithful butler), and his enemies were often of the scientific and supernatural variety - his rogues' gallery being far off from introduction. This Batman is an attempt to boil those traits down to how they'd appear in 2019, with a version of The Dark Knight who operates alone as an enemy of the law, primarily due to the fact that he has taken it upon himself to act as a selective judge, jury, and executioner. [b]| Brief World Background |[/b] Earth 940 - Society Earth A DC Universe that exists in a cynical America of 2019, where the criminal element is more ruthless than most. A group of self-imposed heroes have descended onto the populace to try and forcefully restore the distant memory of order. The first metahumans were not heroes, but the creations of illegal genetic tampering, igniting a brutal conflict between the nations of Khandaq and Bialya that would only be resolved with the arrival of the socially conscious champion of the oppressed, Superman, and the warrior-born mystic of Paradise Island, Wonder Woman. As the world became quickly aware of the fact that an age of gods and monsters were upon them, rogue geneticist turned terrorist Lex Luthor came out of hiding to elicit chaos in a bid to prove himself superior to the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman, aswell as the bearer of the emerald flame, Green Lantern, and the master of speed who'd modeled himself after the diety Mercury, The Flash. Thus, the age of the supervillain began. Those who stand outside of Luthor's war against the metas, such as Batman, Aquaman, Doctor Fate, Hawkman, and The Spectre, loom over their corners of the US with a territorial ownership, inspiring both admiration and fear from the public. [b]| Brief Character Background |[/b] Witnessing the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne became psychologically scarred by the trauma and was soon placed into the Arkham Institute to cope with his growing disillusionment from reality. From the walls of the Asylum, he felt as though he could take an objective stance as Gotham City descended into a breeding ground for serial killers, cultists, gangsters, flamboyant opportunists, and elaborately themed madmen. Deciding to adopt the guise of a bored, but importantly sane young billionaire in the making whose only interest in life was high-octane racing and supermodels, Wayne was released from Arkham by the age of 20 - and promptly vanished for the East. When he returned seven years later, he had mastered every form of urban combat and guirella warfare, combining his skills to become a one-man war on crime. Adopting a fearsome avatar of a bat to inspire fear in his enemies, Wayne announced his intentions to all of Gotham with a gruesome message: the decapitated head of the "vampire" occultist known as The Monk, strapped to a giant floodlight atop of GCPD. Commissioner Gordon has since made it his mission to arrest The Batman before his madness inspires even more heinous acts of vigilante justice. Only the young mechanic and weaponsmith Dick Grayson, known as "Robin" by his clientele, knows of Wayne's true identity and mission. Finally cornered by the GCPD after a five-year reign of terror against the underworld, having been lured into a trap by planted evidence tying a routine robbery to the vicious Joker Card Killer, Batman was about to break his vow of never harming the innocent in a desperate bid to escape Gordon's men. But someone else got to him first - someone with a more cosmic intent for one of the multiverse's Darkest Knights.[/hider] [hider=Secondary Character Concept] [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--4HqcTnLg--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/el18gqwtfbllrqjxvlzy.png[/img] [b]| Character Identity |[/b] Superman / Clark Kent - Last Son Of Earth [b]| Age |[/b] 52 [b]| Character Differences |[/b] Whereas Superman is normally a paragon of hope and idealism with a grand, awe-inspiring love for life, this version has had to live with the deaths of both friend and foe as the result of an ultimate conquest of the galaxy by Brainiac that he couldn't stop. So while preserving some of that perseverance has been essential to Superman's survival in this new, tolitarian universe where the defenseless are turned into automatons, the spark of idealism that once made everyone look, up in the sky is now weighed down by tremendous guilt. He's not angry, he's someone who can barely keep it together and extremely fearful of how things could get even worse. In terms of his powerset, I think it'd be fair to say that while he was once as powerful as his normal DCU counterpart, his levels of solar radiation intake have dwindled to the point that he's a shell of what he was. He's still able to do more than the average man, but he's able to suffer pain and bleed. And his ability to fly is, unfortunately, completely gone. [b]| Brief Character Background |[/b] [b]Earth 252 - The Brain Interactive Cosmos[/b] A DC Universe. Once, the city of Metropolis was a thriving haven of all of Earth's greatest accomplishments, with science and technology pioneered to make it a true City Of Tomorrow. This is where a young Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for The Daily Planet, first took to the skies as The Man Of Steel. And for fifteen years, he was Earth's greatest champion. He fought tirelessly to protect Metropolis and the world from threats like General Zod, Bizarro, and his undeniably greatest enemy, Lex Luthor. But he also loved, striking up a grand romance with fellow reporter Lois Lane until they eventually married. And he even died, coming to blows with the horrific alien Doomsday... before rising again, stronger than ever. Then the day of Brainiac's conquest came. Upon returning from a routine rescue mission with the Justice League of America over the Pacific Ocean, Superman suddenly heard a distress beacon emminating from space. Answering the call, Krypton's last son was shocked to discover a shuttle carrying sleeper agents of Brainiac. Overpowering him, the hive-mind drones mercilessly tortured him as the cold Coluan taunted him with the knowledge that he had devised a way to strip Superman of his powers - by capturing the Sun itself, encasing it in a bottle like so many other stars and planets. Forcing a weakened Clark to watch as his loved ones, from Lois Lane to Ma and Pa Kent, Perry White and Jimmy Olsen, Kara Zor-El and Kon-El, and even The Flash and Wonder Woman all to the devastating effects of the Sun's removal from the galaxy. Thrown back to Earth as a final humiliation, Clark was forced to flee for one of the many small metahuman camps for those who could withstand the horrible environmental changes inflicted on the ruined planet. Ever since, he has traveled the world with a small band of freedom fighters looking to oppose Brainiac's growing legion. Even without a majority of his powers, a disheveled Superman continued to help whomever was left before they could be captured. It was during one of these ill-fated rescue missions, in which successors to the Batman, Steel, Wonder Woman, Hawkman and Aquaman mantles were all slain by Brainiac's legion, that Kal-El was ripped away from his Earth by another malevolent force.[/hider]