The sound of steel on steel rang out as the bio-mech blocked the kick and pushed Eileen back. Eileen narrowed her eyes as the target started to fire multiple beam weapons if it weren't for Eileen's mecha's speed the Valstrax would have been mincemeat. But before Eileen went in for another shot on the aggressor Felix had decided to call down an orbital strike on herself in a foolish maneuver that would no doubt get her killed. [color=8493ca]"Roxanne, belay that order. Call in another pickup ship instead, we're pulling out. I'll keep the target busy while you all escape. My mecha is capable of escape velocity. I will meet you back on the command ship."[/color] Eileen then powered on her mechs knuckle blades and jetted towards the target. [color=8493ca]"Roxanne make sure that everyone gets out safe. You too Felix."[/color] [hr] Jenny listened in as Eileen called for everyone to get ready to fall back while they distracted the enemy. While Jenny wasn't one to argue with her superior, she didn't like the idea of leaving Eileen to face off against this aggressor solo. But orders were orders. [color=firebrick]"I'll clear a landing zone."[/color] Jenny said as she raised a leg and started kicking out the closest wall. A few solid kicks later and Jenny punched a hole through the hull of the dropship and pushed her way out. [color=firebrick]"Tell them to look for the smoke of the crashed dropship. I'm going to clear out the nearby trees."[/color] That said Jenny started to demolish the nearby trees using a mix of punches and stomps. If you listened carefully you could hear her quietly apologising to the trees as she leveled them.