"Well, we never know what might be helpful." Meesei reasoned. "Even if he does not have specific knowledge of Argonian souls, the input of someone who is an authority on anatomical knowledge may still be helpful. Just off of the top of my head, he may be able to provide some insight into how [i]exactly[/i] my physical body helps to stabilize my soul. Perhaps we will even be able to find a way to replicate that effect after death?" Meesei's rationale was, ultimately, just hopeful guessing, but they were not irrational guesses. For such a novel problem, having input from a variety of perspectives certainly could not hurt. Nytala, at this point, seemed to have prepared her spell. There was a slight magical aura around her hand, though she had not yet opened the portal. She took in a quick breath, then looked specifically to Lunise. "I am ready to open the portal. It will take you directly to your father's study, but to avoid startling him too much, you should probably step through as soon as I have opened it." She explained, which, of course, meant that whatever was said between the two of them now would be their final goodbye.