[hr][Center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjRlODg1OC5VMkZzWlcwZ1UzQmxiR3h0WVc0LC4wAAA,/flat-earth-scribe.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwYjdlMC5UR2xzYVdVZ1JHbHZibTVsLjAA/velocity-demo.regular.png[/img][/center][hr]Interacting with: [@Obscene Symphony][@Hero] Salem awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, a slight pain as the split skin on his knuckles closed in on itself. He kept his smile on and bright to help assuage any of her feelings towards the matter. He listened to another one of Aaron's lies and had decided now wasn't the time to call him out on it. After all, it gave a good platform for which Salem could work with. Salem spoke in a hushed tone so as to not have Aaron's conversation interrupted, or distracted while also keeping his unheard. [Color=82ca9d]"It's not a huge deal Lillie don't worry. I [i]did[/i] mention this was a punishment, we could only assume that something of this caliber were to come from it. Besides, you forget I work at, and own, a clinic. I can tend to my own wounds but should gather some bandages as it's all I'll need. If anything I feel this experience has brought me closer to understanding Aaron."[/color] Lilie's frown only grew, her concern scribbled all over her face. [Color=00BFFF]"How?"[/color] She asked quietly, confused at his newfound understanding. [Color=82ca9d]"It's simple. I now know why he's such a wound up kid."[/color] Salem laughed at his jest but knew it to be wholly true. [Color=82ca9d]"I have one of his instructors as my etiquette teacher and it's like being able to glimpse into Aaron's past and understand what he went through to become the mage he is today."[/color] Stealing a glance at the blonde as he spoke, Lilie seemed unsure for a moment. After a few seconds she looked back at Salem, shaking her head. [Color=00BFFF]"Salem, you're [i]bleeding[/i], this can't possibly be okay,"[/color] She protested. [Color=00BFFF]"And if Aaron went through this--it doesn't matter what you did, it's supposed to be a class, not a punishment!"[/color] Salem watched as she remained concerned for the time being and his mouth scrounged up into a frown. [Color=82ca9d]"Its fine. Honestly. I'm just looking at what positivity I can gleam from an otherwise ill situation. Now if we can press past this I'd like to hear about your ideas for this picnic I overheard, and are we inviting our Law partner Max to it? Maybe have him warm up to us so we can work well together?"[/color] Lilie's jaw dropped as she stared at Salem, seemingly offended. [Color=00BFFF]"I can't just ignore you being hurt. It doesn't matter what you did, that isn't right,"[/color] She insisted. This was clearly going to be an uphill battle and Lillie had the high ground. Salem thought for a minute on how to respond and decided to try and deflect once more, this time with a new subject. [Color=82ca9d]"Hey, do you think we could use Aaron? He seems pretty chummy with Max, maybe we can use him as bait to get Max to warm up to us?"[/color] It wasn't his finest work, but it was all he could think of on the spot. Struggling with a response for a few seconds, eventually she seemed to give up as she got the hint, shoulders slouched in defeat. Picking up her phone from the table, Lilie looked over at what she had written. [Color=00BFFF]"Yeah, I guess,"[/color] Her previous enthusiasm seemed muted as she swiped around. By this point in time Aaron had finished speaking to Max, [I]finally[/i], and was looking to move things along as well. Salem looked at the deflated water mage and then back at the retriever and just let out a defeated sigh as he knew he couldn't win either battle. [Color=82ca9d]"I'm ready when you are. We can talk about what Max wanted on the way there."[/color]