[u]Fumio Hari Kouineji[/u] [i]Clash![/i] [b]"Heh, Souta Fushimaru, mark 2, how did you find me?"[/b] Both blades ground harshly against each other, making it difficult to push the other away. Sparks flew from between the metal. [b]"I wasn't expecting to find you here Kazuhiko... Looks like I just got lucky"[/b] Souta smirked as Fumio began to frown. [b]"Luck has nothing to do with it. You've been following me haven't you?"[/b] Fumio's voice was the most serious it had ever been, his eyes dully watching as the other became accustom to a creepy, Cheshire cat-like smile, eyes squinting with joy while looking back at Fumio... Or, should I say, Kazuhiko. [b]"Now how did you know?~ Was I too obvious?~ You are known to be very observant after all~"[/b] Fumio seethed at this, closing his eyes as he was suddenly becoming extremely frustrated. [b]"I knew it... I knew I felt something familiar... I was just hoping I was wrong"[/b] He leaned forward, adding more pressure to their clashing blades to force Souta to bend back. Opening his eyes, a serious, penetrative gaze was shot into Souta's eyes. [b]"You are going to regret following me..."[/b] An unnaturally soft smile played on Fumio's lips. [b]"Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've ran into anyone from our clan. I'm just too focused on finding a certain someone-"[/b] [b]"You mean the traitor."[/b] Fumio's words were cut short by Souta's interruption. [b]"Yes. Indeed I do mean the traitor~"[/b] With that said, Fumio shunpo'ed back, but not far. [b]"Tap tap tap, t-tap tap taptap t-tap tap tap~"[/b] Fumio began to speak as he moved his feet slowly. [b]"I haven't had time to practice in a while~ This will be fun~"[/b] He continue to move his feet, tapping his heels then the balls of his shoes onto the cemented ground underneath, continuing to speak the rhythm of his taps. [b]" Tap taptaptap t-tap tap tap. Tap taptaptap t-tap tap tap!~"[/b] As he continued to tap and speak, it became clear that he was in fact tap-dance to his own tune. [b]"Tap tap t-tap taptaptap, tap tap t-tap taptap~"[/b] As he continued, he started tap-dancing circles around Souta. Souta, however, had no clue as to what Kazuhiko was doing and watched him with caution. Suddenly [b]"Tap!"[/b] Fumio's blade moved to stab the left side of Souta's body. Luckily for the latter, he twisted in time to block, but this didn't dishearten Fumio, he only continued his tune, shunpo'ing to the right and striking twice across Souta's side, swiftly and speedily before shunpo'ing again, this time in front of Souta. The latter cursed as he cradled the right side of his body. [b]"W-what the hell?"[/b] He looked at Fumio, utterly confused. [b]"Tap t-tap tap tap~ Kesshō no sōsei, Gaishō~"[/b] Fumio only continued to tap-dance, this time in one spot before standing still and slamming his right foot onto the ground along with the tip of his Shikai. A medium-thickness sized crystal shot out of the ground directly under Souta, stabbing through his stomach while the guy was crouched. The end that forced it's way through Souta's body was smothered in crimson blood which slid down the crystal. Fumio watched with a smile. [b]"Beautiful~"[/b] Souta coughed up blood before letting out a raspy chuckled. [b]"This isn't over... Kazuhiko"[/b] Gripping the crystal below his stomach with his left hand, Souta attempted to use his Zanpakuto to chop the crystal, but before he could hit it, Fumio lifted his Shikai out of the ground causing the crystal to shatter instantly. [b]"O good, I wouldn't want you to die so quickly~ Tappa tappa tappa~"[/b] He continued his dance, this time only dancing for enjoyment and not attacking. After a minute, Fumio halted and abruptly stopped. [b]"Have you caught your breath yet?~"[/b] He asked Souta. It seemed as though he was only dancing to waste time while waiting for Souta to recover. [b]"Bastard..."[/b] Souta spat venomously as blood dripped down the corners of his mouth, however, he did manage to stand straight, ignoring the gaping hole in his stomach and the searing pain that came along with it. [b]"Blossom - Himawari!"[/b] Souta spoke his Zanpakuto's release command and watched his sword transform into a golden hammer. [center][img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/300/a/6/sulfuras__hand_of_ragnaros_by_malmida-d4e6k03.jpg][/center] Souta's lips formed into a smirk. [b]"It's going to... Take alot more than that to win... Kazuhiko!"[/b] Souta raised his hammer high. [b]"That's a rather nice looking hammer right there~ But it's wielder is an idiot... I almost feel sorry for Himawari... Almost. You've given me no choice, looks like I'll have to add another mark to my tally chart~"[/b] [b]"No Way In Hell 11!!"[/b] Souta jumped toward Fumio, swinging his hammer forward. Fumio, however, just stood there with an amused smirk lighting up his face as a fire lit behind his eyes. [b]"That's right~ Come and kill me!~"[/b].