[center][h1][color=f7941d]Br. Clifford 'Cliff' Laranja[/color][/h1] [h3]Time: Early Afternoon[/h3] [h3]Location: The Coffee Pot[/h3] Interactions: [@Penguin] [/center] [hr] A bright smile curved the lad's lips, excitedly reaching for the cinnamon bun. Without a second thought, he bit into the pastry, relishing the flavors which melted into his mouth, cascading like memories of a time long gone. As he went around to take a seat across Annie, he spotted a glimpse of a small tab on her laptop. The logo of the university at the top of the assignment page, as well as the unmistakable initials of D.I.G., informed Cliff that she was a college student, probably preparing for the classes to start once more. To think, though, that she was under Dr. Iris Gran's class spoke of her intelligence. An old acquaintance of his, Dr. Iris handled the majority of the honors' bachelor programs. Her immense intellect, as well as high standards, strained even the most self-proclaimed honor student. Not many could hope to enter the honors' program under her, and those who did were not always successful. Whoever this Annie was, she was more intelligent than she looked. Auburn locks which cascaded down to her shoulders, pale complexion, and light lavender eyes-- Cliff knew she had more beneath the surface than just naive expressions. Speaking of which, he still had not given out his winter break assignments out. Eh, at this rate, he'd have to scrap giving out an assignment and just wing it on the first day. Besides, what student disliked not having an assignment? He was excited to start teaching, of course, but his experience when it came to the practical application of the teaching profession amounted to nothing more than volunteer programs. He could have two doctorates and he still didn't know zilch about how to educate a class of tertiary students. Judging from this girl, though, perhaps, he could rest easy. "Thanks, Annie," Cliff grinned up at her as he settled the cinnamon bun on he small china plate. "I'm Cliff, by the way. Just like how mom used to make it, before she, well..." He grimaced at the window before turning back to her. "Anyway, I see you're studying at the Solaris Universatas, and judging from the rather large initials I saw on the assignment primer, you're gonna be facing Dr. Iris, no less." The man chuckled as he remembered how Iris chewed up a slacker in her class. "What're you studying at the university that you were given the crucible of your academic life that is Dr. Gran?"