Jake steadied his hand as another bump almost completely ruined the page, glaring momentarily toward the front of the bus before returning his attention to the large notepad he had angled against the chair in front of his with the base of the pad resting against his legs. At the top of the page the numbers '635 8' were scrawled with a messily scribbled out 7 spacing the 5 and 8 apart. sketching oddities and assigning numbers over the page as he went, though their apparent meaning would be likely lost on any without context or explanation. A sigh escaped the boy before he announced. [color=0072bc]"Turn around, this doesn't concern you. Even if I were to explain it you'd likely be little more than confused."[/color] As another peering over his shoulder ducked back down into their seat without another word. It was the second page, the second attempt since the journey had begun. This could only have meant that thus far the journey had taken a significant amount of time, hours in fact. Though Jake seemed barely phased by this, his attention focused on the pad before him. He tensed up once more as the bus hit another bump, though through forceful contact the pencil in his hand snapped against the pad. A heavy sigh of disappointment escaped him as Jake pulled the pad toward him and carefully flipped it shut before laying it flat against his lap. Jake momentarily stood from his seat and tossed the broken drawing instrument through the open window. Had a better suited option of transportation been available to him he would of gladly taken it. Alas his family had not the funds to arrange such a pleasant service. The fact that he had been invited to attend this school seemed more a cruel joke at the time he had received it. He reached down into his backpack, securely held in an upright stance between his legs and pulled an envelop from within and inspected it as he traced the edges of the sealed flap with his fingers. He glanced at the wax seal that was placed on the centre as he shook his head. [color=0072bc]"That is far beyond what is allowed."[/color] He mumbled to himself as he lowered both his hands towards his backpack, producing a small weak flame and defacing the markings on the wax seal. [color=0072bc]"Far more appropriate."[/color] He stated in acknowledgement to himself before dropping the envelop back into the backpack. How could his own parents be so stupid as to think that it was appropriate to use the old family seal on a letter intended for the staff. Perhaps they thought this was some 'smart' way of rebelling against the restrictions imposed upon them. Though he hoped the journey would become more stable as they approached their destination the reverse would hold more true. It felt like it could be considered that the bus had bounced rather than been driven to its destination. Jake picked his pad up before pushing himself up to his feet, grabbed his backpack with his free hand and flung the strap over his shoulder. As he approached the front of the bus he stopped before passing the driver and turned his attention to them. [color=0072bc]"That was unpleasant, though I suppose I should thank you for not getting us all killed."[/color] His tone seemed dry, though his choice of word would suggest he was angry. [color=0072bc]"I hope your drive back is just as eventful."[/color] With that said Jake stepped off of bus. He looked upon the academy in awe from where he stood. A mammoth of a building, one that was not a common occurrence in Jake's life. Maybe such buildings were a common sight prior to the war for his family, but his age gifted him no such pleasure. He just stood there gawking for a few minutes before he finally made his way toward the building as he gripped his pad in his right arm and clung the strap of his backpack with his left hand. Jake passed through the entryway revealing an equally impressive interior, far from the rundown attempt of decoration that adorned his own home. What would possibly be considered the reception for the school carried with it near silence bar the mechanical click of typing from behind the counter. As he approached there was evidence of what seemed a sort of sign in sheet, containing the names of those that had arrived before him. Jake briefly scanned over the names before freeing his left hand up to add his own name to the bottom of the existing list. Like some automated machine the person behind the counter handed over several sheets of paper to him. He flicked through the hand outs, none seemed particularly relevant to his current situation bar the map. He studied it before raising it, along with the other hand outs to his mouth and gripped them between his lips. He readjusted and grabbed the backpack strap with his left hand again before he headed off to the location he studied as being the common area, the route seemed fairly straight forward so it had been easy enough to commit to memory. [color=0072bc]"Welcome students... well we'll see about that."[/color] Jake muttered to himself upon seeing the banner above the the entrance to the common area. As he was about to step in the plaque caught his interest. [color=0072bc]"Ah well that explains things."[/color] Jake spied the name 'Firestrom' among those that had 'donated' toward this schools funding. Clearly there was at least one decision maker here that knew of the link between the two families, but who? Upon seeing the table of food, Jake pushed his trail of thought to the back of his mind. Though fairly hungry he simply grabbed an apple from the offering of food before heading to an empty table and taking a seat, dropping his backpack to the floor and laying his note pad upon the table. Jake removed the handouts from his lips and spread them across the table surface before taking the first bite of the apple. He gazed around the common room at the students that had already arrived, surprisingly the bus he'd traveled on had evidently made him one of the earlier arrivals. Having examined his surroundings, Jake returned his attention to the items he'd received at the sign in counter. Intent at that moment of keeping himself to himself.