[center][color=tomato][h1]The Crowe[/h1][/color][/center] [color=white][i][b]Day 18, Week 3, Generation 1 (post-sapience)[/b][/i][/color] [hr] What was merely a rocky overhang had been built around and upon in the following days since the huntress had returned. In fact, much had occurred since then. Parts of the bear's torn up pelt were worn by members of the group, carried on their backs or wrapping young for warmth as used by males, or being used to bring back supplies from a hunt or protect from the cold by the females during the day. Larger bones from bears were being chipped around the bottom to make holding them easier as clubs or using them in other ways, whether for smashing up prey and predators...or just cracking something open really, or knocking down strange things from the bushes or trees in the area. Sticks of good kinds were being made sharp to throw or stab at prey with too, with the huntress' stick kept back home to look at and admire. One curious male had managed too find some strange thing near a tree as well, black and under the dirt, but...it tasted like the earth itself while not being dirt. It seemed to go well over the fire too when it came to taste, and even better so with the meat near the fire. Many animals skulls had too been brought back to plug up and carry water with, though after a time the group had begun to experiment using slick river mud to coat the skulls' outside. Seemed to hold more water that way, and if left in the sun the mud dried decently hard and held water even better! The best mud seemed to come when the rains fell, however, and such times were special to them. They would dance about when the rains came, the blood of the hunt removed from them as they held aloft their skull bowls to the heavens and drank from them. They too all roared along with the crackling thunder in the sky, and cheered when the lightning had given them more fire after striking a nearby tree during one storm. In all of this, the same young huntress from before led them by the matriarch's allowance. After all, they too would one day be mighty like the roar of the sky, and like the great lights that struck down from the heavens above. They would be cleansed by the water from the sky, made anew in its wetness and drinking the water to take in its strength! The blood of animals they too had begun to toy with, and many handprints littered the covered wall of the rocky outcropping they lived under. The matriarch had even attempted to make out the image of a bear, merely using the blood from its now non-existent and fully-picked-through corpse. It had been a wondrous, and fascinating thing that the many members of the group had started at for a long time once it was done. Other had then tried to do the same in turn, albeit with very...very....very mixed results. When cold winds had blown in during their resting, eventually the matriarch had come up with an idea of great fascination after seeing several rocks near them on top of each other near the sticky mud of the river. The huntresses had been moved about to grab these rocks, and some of the males fiddled with them until they fit together like the matriarch had seen. Some had then packed mud in the cracks and over them, after the wind still came through the rocks, and the fire inside seemed to make it dry faster there. It all made the wind stop coming in so much, made fire more warm, and made Crowe much less cold too during the night when using pelts for warmth. So too had the group begin to grow. The matriarch had gotten closer to the young huntress who had brought them the roar of the sky, aand they had spent many hunts and nights together. Eventually, though, the two had mated for many nights. From this, they all knew, new life could one day be born into the world anew! One born to the strong blood of the great huntress and the mighty matriarch. It was a cause of celebration that day when the morning had come, and some of the others had mated between the males and females that day in celebration. Others had gone out to catch more meat for putting near to the fire, some of the males had dug up these earthy things from under the dirt as well as many sticks to feed the glowing fire in their home. Then a great storm had come, perhaps the sky roaring its approval of their matriarch and the young huntress once more, and they had drunk from the bowls of skull and mud in celebration once more! Off came the old blood of the day's celebratory hunts, and in came the water of the skies and the great light sent by the heavens! What a great day it was to be, what a great occasion. The young huntress had paraded about her blood-caked sharpened stick during this special time, as they had all roared aloud once more, before all had returned to their home as the darkness of night had come upon them again to rest. Because the next day, their huntresses would begin to scour about the area beyond their hunting grounds for the first real time. They had seen hints that more prey could exist beyond, and that had begun ideas. More prey would mean more pelts, more food, and more skulls to celebrate with as the sky roared. That much, at least, was a basic reason to explore...though they too felt the lingering sense of curiosity, the desire to look beyond and see what lied even farther from their home. [hider=Actions] [b]Crowe Race Event(s)[/b]: *The Crowe have create better proto-bowls of a sort, now incorporating mud on the outside of them and accidentally drying it. *Bear and animal pelts are becoming more curious to them, and use of the one bear's pelt and fur has become a standard among them. It isn't proper clothing, but it is a step towards it at least. *The Crowe associate the rain with a cleansing effect, and drinking of the rainwater has become significant of "taking in the strength of the heavens above" along with providing life and cleansing in their minds. The thunder still holds some form of symbolism for them since their awakening, being the "voice" and "roar" of the sky above, and the lightning is seen as a "great light" and sign of the power of the skies. Storms are a celebratory occasion for the Crowe, due to all of this and the significance they found in it when the young huntress first came back and their eyes were "opened" to the world about them. *The young huntress is seen symbolically as being "approved" by the sky to, in their minds, bring them sapience. Of course this isn't true, but tell that to a bunch of newly-sapient primitives. Due to this she leads the group when fiddling about in the rain during storms, and is seen in a more honored light. To this end, the matriarch has become closer to her, and the two finally mated to eventually produce stronger young. This was seen as an event to celebrate by the rest of the group. *The rudimentary spear the young huntress had is also of a seeming significance now to the Crowe group tied back to "that day", being kept in their rocky outcropping home and now having been used once for a special celebration amidst a storm. When stored, the spear next to the far inside wall where they have, at least experimentally, begun making "cave paintings" in the same manner a toddler irl might make a finger-painting messily on paper for the first time. *The Crowe have discovered mushroom of a sorts, pretty much truffle-style mushrooms that grow commonly in their area of habitation and around the bases of trees under the ground. They also taste good with fire, and with meat, as they have also discovered through toying with things. *Inspired by several rocks that happened to be sitting atop each other, and the instance with using mud and skulls together, the Crowe matriarch directed her group in assembling "walls" for their rocky outcropping home. It is an arrangement of surprisingly well-fitted stones, using mud that has unintentionally dried on the inside due to the group's fire to plug the smallest gaps, and stands rather sturdy similar if not just like very primitive buildings found in real life paleolithic and other such ancient eras. [b]Future Event(s)[/b]: [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1RgfK3l.jpg[/img][/center] *Crowe Huntresses, noticing the movement of some prey just beyond their usual hunting grounds, are going to be exploring out into the areas indicated on the map above. Mainly to get prey, but also out of their people's curiosity about the area around them, this will begin their movement into seeing more of the world around them. [b]Time Passed[/b]: 18 in-RP days for the Crowe, by this point at least [b]Time Until Next Turn[/b]: 4 Weeks (10 days left IC for the Crowe until this point is reached) [b]World Events[/b]: [u]Everyone[/u] - [i]Dawn of Civlization[/i] - Congratulations! All your races are now officially recognized as primitive sapients! Using simple tools and wielding a basic understanding of what fire is and how it can cook a meal or scare away some predators, your specimens are all fully aware of their existence and they role they play in the world. From here in on it is entirely up to you what you will all do, but I do recomend you take some time to get to know your surroundings and get a closer look at your species. Explain to us how your species reacts to this faint, lingering sense of direction and what they do with it! During this time is when we get to truly know your species down to the smallest level, so don't miss the opportunity to present some lore to us! Starting next post, any other suggestion I will give in the OOC and keep this clear, but as it is nothing has trully happened that needs to be said and nothing for you to react to. But that will change very quickly, so enjoy the little breathing room you have! [/hider]