[img]https://i.imgur.com/jrEVWFe.png[/img] Well. That had been an adventure. Kassy stood, coughing in the exhaust of the bus as it took off, empty of the early students who had been on it. She’d never been on a bus ride that long. She groaned slightly and stretched, popping her joints reflexively. Humans were not meant to sit down for long stretches of time, she thought. She gathered her heavy bags and approached the school, neck craning as she stared upward at the elegant building. It was a lovely place, full of brick walls and beautiful plants. It looked somehow older than it should have been. Once she was done gawking, she followed the flow. There were some other students here, and Kassandra simply traipsed behind them and hoped they were all going to the same place. The crowd led her more or less inside the building, where she stopped at a extremely bored-looking receptionist’s desk to sign in and gather paperwork. Tucking that away into one of her many bags, she followed her nose to the scent of food. A late breakfast was better than none, and she filled her plate. She hadn’t had but a bowl of cereal very early in the morning. Everything she owned or cared about was in her suitcases around her. Her stomach twisted slightly as she thought of her leaving home, for what may have been the last time. Her aunt had not bothered to drive her to the bus station, or even say goodbye. It was just another hallmark in their long and tested relationship. In a way, Kassandra was glad. No tears, no fuss, just take her shit and be done with it. To say she would miss the woman would be an utter lie. But all the same, it would have been nice to have someone missing her back home. Some who gave half a damn. Oh well. At least there was food. Kassy finished her plate of fruit and pancakes, then plugged her headphones into her phone and brought up a Queen album, almost silently humming along while she waited for something to happen.