[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NuqXk9g.png[/img][/center] [@Hammerman] [hr] Everything hurt. That was the first sensation that ran through her mind, an all consuming pain that cut across her flesh, bones, and deeper. It was like a burn on the back of the tongue spears across her entire being. Lifting an eyelid was a herculean effort, but never let it be said that Katherine Abigail is a quitter. It slowly flickered open to take in the blurry sight of a lavish, pent house bedroom. Outside the sun poured in through the glass door leading out onto the balcony, alighting on the plush white carpet, and beyond the open blinds she could make out the tops of skyscrapers. The bed was plush and soft enough to swallow her. It probably would have done so, luring her back into dreamland, if it wasn't for the fact that she had no idea where she was. She tired to push herself up into a sitting position and instantly regretted it, the pain spreading like a firecracker across her chest as she collapsed onto her back again. "Piss, blood, and fire!" She snarled through clenched teeth. Wait, what had that been. Did she talk like that? [i]No[/i], said the voice in her head. [i]I think that was one of mine[/i]. Oh right. This. "Trying to grab a little more of me?" She said in a strained whisper. [i]Nothing of the sort[/i], the voice said in mock offence. [i]We were bleeding all over. Some of that bleeding was mental. You got some of you on me, I got some of me on yo-[/i] "That ninja!" Katherine choked out, ignoring her passenger. The events of the previous day...week?...month?...however log it had been, it all came flooding back. Ninja, Clara, [b]Rurik[/b]... Christine? She tried sitting up again, this time pushing herself with her whole being to fight through the pain. What had happened after that fight she totally won? Where had she been taken, by who, and what had happened to her sister?