[@Ezmeralda] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/plants-letters-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190718/674359b8ee44a3104a66f841a586378a.png[/img][/url] Persephone followed Phil back to her room, she stepped in and saw that the place was just like the rest of the Guilds facilities. Blindingly white and gold, Pers thought she would have to buy special sunglasses just to walk the halls. The walls were completely bare, nothing adorning them, she would have to change that when she made friends and hang up some pictures. But first she would have to paint the walls if she was allowed. She began putting all her clothes away and getting lost in thought over the things Marcus had said to her earlier that evening. Her sister was a monster, she didn't know how bad it was, or what brought her to become that, but she believed it when she looked in his eyes. The man was haunted by his experience with Circe, Persephone sighed as she finished putting away her clothes and stood up. She was to wired to go to bed, and she feared if she turned off the lights it would still be bright in her room. So she decided to explore on her own. It was nice to have Marcus lead her on a tour, but she had to learn the layout on her own eventually. She walked around the building for a while, exploring nooks and crannies that she found. Pers had learned that the city was heard even in the building. She was sure that would grate her nerves eventually, she reached up and brushed the little vine in her hair, making sure it had not fallen out in the last few hours. It was her last keepsake from home. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into someone. She looked up to see a young woman who seemed lost in her own thoughts. [Color=limegreen]"Oh my, I am so sorry, I didn't see you there! It is nice to meet you, I am Persephone, the newest recruit here."[/color] She said in embarrassment.