The sights of the identical, sash-wearing redheads patrolling every floor of the building would be familiar to returning students. Each one carefully eyed the herd of teenagers pouring into the respective hallway that she looked after, ensuring that everybody behaved and made it to their classes on time. They would also offer to guide any newcomers to their assigned classrooms for the first period, the ones on the higher floors often getting a "Weren't you just downstairs?" from such students. They would then repeat the same short explanation before helping them to move along. It currently seemed like a typical morning at Oakport, though, none of them should speak too soon. The sound of the bell was the signal for Angelica 'O' to make her way to her own class. 'O' was on the highest level of classrooms, where she was usually stationed in the morning. After pushing through the crowd of students still hurrying to class, she reached her locker, exchanged her hall monitor sash with her study material, and was off to her first lesson. As always, she would leave her copies to deal with any stragglers, and prepare for that slight headache, which would come in about a half hour. This was caused by the flood of memories of multiple individuals over last hour entering her head, but she had learnt to deal with the phenomenon by now.