Anna nodded slowly when he suggested they go to her place to talk or hang out for a bit, "My place is fine." She agreed, thankful she had thought to clean up after her little outburst last night. It wouldn't look at all too good if he walked in to her apartment to see broken glass and many other things thrown about as if a tornado had come through her home. She walked over to her apartment and unlocked the door, leading him in. Her apartment wasn't much. It was rather plain in fact. Simple black and white colors for the furniture. No nic-nacs. A few movies were layed on the coffee table, but other then that no person items could be seen. The only personal items she did have were hidden away in her room, safe from the sight of this boy. No family pictures were anywhere in sight. How could she have any? Her psychotic mother had been the only family Anna had ever known and she sure wasn't going to keep a picture of the woman she had killed. Even if her mother had tried to kill her first, it just seemed wrong. There was only on picture in the whole apartment in fact. It sat in a frame upon the side table next to the couch. It was of she and Danny. Danny stood behind her , an arm around her neck holding her in place and ruffling her blonde hair while she just laughed. It was a very playful picture, one they had taken on their first day of high school. If was so hard for her to believe all that time had passed. Back then she had thought she and Danny would always be best friends. That he would always be there with her. She would have never imagined she'd be living her life without her best friend/boyfriend. Sighing she walked into the kitchen first, asking him what he wanted to drink and once she had it, handed him what he wanted and sat down on the couch, taking a sip of her soda, " wanted to talk?"