[b]Flame[/b] With Gaul's story finished, I bounce nervously on the balls of my feet and look up expectantly at Smough. "Admiral is there any chance you could give me a tour of your ship?" I twist a lock of hair absentmindedly around my finger. There's a loud splash somewhere behind me and seconds later I'm sprayed with water. [b]Blaze[/b] I hear the unmistakable high pitched squeal and don't have to turn around to know what animal just tagged my sister. Flame turns and immediately a grin splits her face. "Dolphins!!!" She darts to the railing and leans over as far as possible trying to touch one;completely forgetting that she's in a skirt. Twenty pirate heads swivel so fast I'm sure they have whiplash. The dolphins squirt her again and she giggles. Then arches her back as she shakes off water. Those pirates can now add poor eyesight to the doctor bill as twenty pairs of eyes pop right out of their sockets. I have murder on the mind but before I can do a thing Flame darts past me and grabs onto Smough. "Admiral are there whales too?" The look on her face keeps me from killing pirates and instead has me waiting on Smough's answer. Her voice is full of awe, her eyes wide and so full of hope. There's nothing we can do about our differences while stuck on this ship. We'll have it out later but right this second all I want to do is preserve the look of excitement that's bursting from my sister's every pore. If there's not a goddamn whale in this goddamn ocean I will portal Sia here, shape her into a whale, and throw her in the ocean face first for my sister to find. I'm seconds away from making this happen. The only thing stopping me is the side track my mind went down at the thought of manhandling Sia.