[@Odin] Well... the lesbian rain elves spent several days making all of these trips, as said in their post. And yes, I assume that hunters who live in the wild have a sense of direction that can get them back to camp. I think we can generally establish that every race here might be lacking knowledge, but not stupid: they are on the same intelligence level as mdern humans, give or take a bit depending on the race. They might not have any of the knowledge, but they are intelligent enough to come up with things and memorize them. Otherwise we'd have to go through the phases of them getting to that IQ level be repeatedly smashing rocks against other rocks to level up their intelligence to 100 :lol As for trade, that was exactly the same for early humans. So yeah, long distance travel pays you more because of luxury resources and elaborate craftsmanships, and otherwise it's mostly villages going to cities within the same nation. Trade on a larger scale is only going to be possible with horses or ships, but yet again, ships were really the thing that enabled global commerce to develop and were the primary source of foreign goods up until the late 19th century when trains became widespread enough to maintain profitable trading routes. Still, just think of the silk road and how long it was, and the fact that some of the traders on that route became filthy rich. But yes, I do like that idea for the language, makes it far easier to distinguish between different languages. But please, I do want you to keep saying "wuush wuush" XD