Robert moved to get water for the girl. He grabbed the bag of medical supplies that he picked up for the farm. Things he could use to bandage her wounds. The dirt road was not the best place to dress a wound. He would do his best. He wondered what she was doing out this far towards the boarder. The girl was a mystery. Coming back he lifted her at the shoulders, and gently poured water into her mouth to drink trying hard not to choke her. He then started to tend her wounds. He gently rolled on her side to take a good look at it. Then poured some water to clean the dirt and dust out of it. With some skill, he went to work bandaging the girl. He had tended to wounds of his friends where dueling less about honor and more of a sport. With gentle but firm touch, he bandaged the wounds. Looking to see if they were a bite or from a weapon. Then he gave her more water to drink. He planned to use some of the magic to stop any serious bleeding or if she were unconscious he would push his magic to heal more of the wounds. Most people reacted to magic in different ways. For some it seemed like a warm sunshiny day, gentle and calming. Other like a storm of emotions and force. Robert felt it as pure power surging through him. He wasn't sure how those who received the magic felt.