Shiro smiled and sat in mid air. "You close your heart to stress and pain, you shut all else out but your goal, you cease to think about the what ifs, and 'why didn't I?' You start to focus on 'how do I?' and 'would this kill him?'" He touched a shoulder plate and his armour slotted away in to a point just behind and to the right of him, the glitter of a pocket dimension shimmering. "Since you got to wave your sharp sticks about, how about I do the same?" Shiro closed his eyes and drew a blade, it was midnight black and glowed with hell red runes. "This is called the Soul Eater, It was a gift from a long forgotten creature, one we called the Puppet master. It does not have its own power, or glitter of days long gone. The puppet master possessed beings after destroying their own power. This blade catalyses magical, spiritual, and electrical energy in to a solid form. watch." he tossed a fireball in to the air and struck it with the blade, it hit the ground and shattered, shards of crystalline fire bouncing across the ground. "Tell me this. how would one defend themselves from a blade that devours the very energy used to stop it?" he tapped a rune and the crystalline fire melted away in to nothingness.