[@Gentlemanvaultboy] After the incident, Christine stayed with Kath, going with her to Thobias' place as she received her treatment and as she recovered as well. The two didn't return to their mansion, as Thobias graciously allowed them to stay in his apartment as long as they needed to. Christine took his offer, though she would only sleep right beside Christine in the sofa, even though Thobias had offered his own bed. When Kath woke up, she would see the face of her sister first. Nobody else. And that was what indeed happened. "Kath!" Without warning, Christine jumped out of her sofa onto the bed, giving her sister a great big hug (that unfortunately couldn't be warm thanks to Christine's ability). "Kath, you're awake! Oh, you're awake! Oh thank God!" Christine started sobbing tears of pure happiness and joy as she hugged her sister even tighter, enjoying her familiar warmth and scent. "I was so worried that you-- that you aren't coming back!"