" Understood.", Android, responded. Minutes later at the table Harmony figured Crystal want something in return. Harmony, smiled. " Thank you Crystal, this chicken looks good. I bet you always choose nicely.", Harmony said. Harmony, she grabbed a fork. Harmony paused a bit hearing Zion's voice. If I bite Crystal automatically claim both versions of me as hers, the rules. Who I'm kidding, I wanted a girlfriend for years as Harmony, I am not backing down now, Crystal will simply get me again eventually. "Crystal, let's play a game, I answer a question you mouth fead me, you the same I mouth feed you. Understand?", Harmony, asked. " I fell into chemicals, I gained I am perfect powers, Zion was a delinquent until he found this school. He got tired of some reason being attracted to our female uniform like you are attracted to yours over the guys, eventually he got tired of ignoring the blasted thing then he created morphed into me Harmony, the school girl student. Now I wear our uniform the girls.", Harmony said