[@Ezmeralda] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/plants-letters-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190718/674359b8ee44a3104a66f841a586378a.png[/img][/url] Persephone forced a slightly warmer smile on her face as she tightened her grip. She shook her head no for a moment as she tried to collect her thoughts. [Color=limegreen]"No I don't mind at all, it's just that I really haven't any meaningful human interaction in a while. So coming to New York is a little jarring, I went from maybe seeing fifty a year to living in a city with eight and a half million people. That is pretty cool you work in music, I mostly listened to indiginous people's music when I stopped in their villages. Maybe you can show me with something more than just drums and throat singing?"[/color] Pers tried to end with a light joke, but felt it was weak at best. [I][color=limegreen]Willow might think I am just trying to use her to get into the music business or something at worst! I have to stop being so awkward.[/color][/i] She thought to herself, trying to clear her mind.