Name: Cyrus Age: 5 (in chronological age) 25 (In human years) Description: Fairly tall and strong as goblins go, standing around 3 feet 4 inches tall, with a head of dark green hair on top of his head, complimenting his medium-green skin. He weights about 35 pounds and is fairly muscular. His skin is already somewhat scarred on his chest, the result of injuries on the hunt. He has emerald-green eyes and is reasonably handsome, but nothing spectacular. Like most goblin males, he is only clad in a loincloth. His only garment is made of deer hide and keeps him modest on both sides. He wields a long stone hunting knife along with a spear, but he has only a handful of possessions otherwise. Like most goblins, he barters with what he hunts, gathers, farms, or catches, and he's been thinking about getting an iron weapon in the not too distant future. Background: Born to a modest litter of only four siblings, Cyrus was the eldest child by a few minutes, ahead of his younger brother and two younger sisters. As with all males in his tribe, he grew up without knowing or caring who his father is, although he suspected that each of his siblings had a different father from him, given how different they looked. Encouraged by his mother to go into farming, Cyrus lost patience for the quiet life of a wheat grower and has been a hunter for years now. Although he is good at hunting, he yearns for more glory than tracking and killing animals can provide, and yearns to go on a raid. His actual experience with warfare is limited, having only been involved in a single one-on-one skirmish with a rival tribesman in which neither party suffered more than light wounds which were easily healed by the tribe's shaman. Abilities: Although he is a rather mundane goblin, Cyrus is a reasonably skilled hunter and tracker, able to find his way around the woods, climb trees, identify animal tracks, and has a good arm for a knife or sword. As with nearly his entire tribe, Cyrus is illiterate. His skill in hand-to-hand combat is decent in terms of the strength of his blows, but it is crude and not particularly coordinated. Property: Apart from his hut, Cyrus owns a stone knife, his loincloth, a wooden spear with a stone tip, and he usually has some food in his hut for eating at any given time. He also owns a pile of straw as his bed and a blanket in case it gets cold. Cyrus is considering the purchase of an iron sword, but he needs to save up a little bit more in assets before he can afford it, given that an iron sword is nearly the most expensive item the goblins of his tribe can produce.