[I]Ooooh, the new boy is cute.[/i] When Chase held out his hand, Alix smiled cheerfully and shook it. "Hi, I'd tell you my name too, but he already beat me to it." An amused smirk crossed Alix's features as she slipped herself off of the desk. Martinez chuckled, mildly relieved that the senior Detective had gone for a softer approach, at least for now. He felt a great sense of endearment for Andrews. The woman was formidable when she wanted to be, and sure she was a sarcastic jackass - but she had a heart of gold. If you needed her, she'd be there. Usually with some sort of confectionary. "I'm surprised you made it past Sandra." The older woman was known to frisk the guys at the station whenever she got the opportunity, "Just keep a meter gap between you and her at all times, and you'll be fine." Alix patted Chase on the shoulder reassuringly, "If in doubt, shoot." Speaking of shooting, Martinez shot Alix a warning glare at that point.. The blonde merely held up her hands in feigned surrender, "Hey, that's not my motto. It's just some advice I heard somewhere.." "Bronson. Even retired he's giving me gut ache." "That's a very smart suit." Alix noted, her green eyes now on Chase, "With you two so formal, I feel like I'm at a divorce hearing.." "How's that going by the way, Alix?" Martinez cocked his head to the side and slid his Officer some paperwork. "Shockingly. Don't divorce a Lawyer. Hell, don't marry one in the first place." The blonde flicked her gaze down to the paper in her hand. An autopsy report. The marriage had been a High School Romance that went sour in the early twenties. However, like with everything habit forming, it took a while for the pair to see what a disaster zone it was. Still, here she was - almost divorced and happy. And most importantly, she got Scout, their chocolate Labrador. "How are you with the morgue?" Alix asked, "We need to head down and see the pathologist.." Martinez clapped, "Yes, Wolfram, I'll leave you with Alix." He perked a bushy dark brow in her direction, "Make sure you show him around and get him settled." Alix saluted dorkily, "Over and out Captain." With that, she stepped to the side and held the door open for Chase. The Chief nodded to his new detective, a grin evident on his lips, "Good luck.."