[@mattmanganon] We apologize for the review taking so long. Due to a sudden influx of many many sheets, your sheet got stuck deep down in the pile instead of being reviewed shortly after you edited it from how it was during the first attempt. Your sheet has been looked at and discussed internally in the GM group as part of the review. As it stands right now, it cannot be approved. It has extreme strengths in several fields, few flaws that aren’t outright negated and is not appropriately tied to the Jedi or Sith Orders. In addition, a lot of the elements making up the character appear to be slapped together out of convenience, rather than being parts of a single whole. It feels less like a single character than several partial characters stuck together out of desire for a variety of elements. We suggest that you attempt to build a new character from scratch and that you build it around a single concept that you clear with the GMs first, so that you know it is one that is likely to be accepted. If you make a Force user, we would ask you to also include a short list at the top of the relevant section with the known techniques and his/her skill level with them, as proscribed by the Guide to the Force.