That seems more like Drow to me than any goblins I've ever heard of, to be honest. Edit: To clarify, what I mean is that tons of depictions of goblins are certainly rough and tumble and far from cultured, infighting and such happens, but that sort of plotting, back stabbing stuff is very Drow-y as far as I've ever seen personally. As far as this goes though, from what has been explained so far, it doesn't seem at all like 'just short neanderthals' and the laws list doesn't preclude the goblins from being underhanded, mischievous and sneaky. If anything the way it reads, you have to be a bit smart about it - scam someone out of their goods on a bum trade, instead of just steal outright. Blame someones death on a monster while hunting, instead of just shank them in the street. That kinda thing.