"An orange?" Alix blinked, disappointment was etched all over her features. "I mean, you need to up your game - you're replacing a doughnut buying, coffee swilling pastry guy. Oranges? Nuh uh." The blonde shook her head, "By rights, I should be karate chopping that straight out of your hand.. But hey, I'm not athletic." And with a waggle of her eyebrows, she led the way down to Karl's domain. "So, this male we're going to see is in his early thirties - found floating near the Dockyard." New York had a busy port, initially there was nothing suspicious about it. People fell off of boats or into the water all the time - but this was different. This cadava had turned up in nearly the exact same spot as the Jane Doe the coastguard had retrieved the previous week. Alix led the way down the stairs, the air became noticibly chillier, and the smell took on a more dettol inspired hospital vibe. "Have you smelt an old, wet body before? " She asked as she paused by the heavy double doors that separated them from Karl and his team. "It's not pretty.." And with that, she hit the green button and wandered into the lab. "Ah! Alix - I was wondering when you'd pop in." A short, dark haired male in scrubs stood behind a gurney, his attention focused on the new arrival. "Hey Karl. What have you got for me.. I mean us.." "Bronson, have you been on Vacation? You're looking marvellous." The blonde sniggered at the joke, and pointed to her new partner, "Karl this is Chase, Chase this is Karl.. Who is by the way, terrible at jokes." Karl smirked, "I am guilty as charged." The middle aged man bowed his head, "It's great to meet you." A well to do English accent set him apart from the rest. "So, our chap here.. Did you read the tox report?" "I've scanned it." She nodded, "What are your thoughts?" "I'm rather concerned." He peeled back the sheet on the male in question. A bloated green appearance greeted them. The detective cringed, but it didn't stop her from popping another peanut butter cup. "No physical trauma to suggest a fall, or an altercation of any sort. A few superficial scratches to the wrists.." "Defensive?" "Perhaps.. But here.." He handed a sheet of paper to both Chase and Alix. "Compare the two reports, and tell me what you see.." "So, I have the report for our Jane last week?" Alix confirmed as she glanced over at Chase.. "That's correct. And Chase has our fellow here.."