[quote=@Aristocles] The chief, by contrast, has to lead the tribe into war, make new laws, act as judge and jury in disputes (which might be called legal affairs, but its a very crude system), negotiate with other tribes and outsiders, order new parts of the village to be built (including new fields to be plowed), assign warriors to lead raids (he would only lead the most important raids), and to participate in ceremonies which he has to be a part of. As for the laws themselves, those are created in two ways: tradition since time immemorial, or proclamations of chiefs when they are popular and powerful. The latter is hard to judge, but a new law made in the aftermath of a major victory or during a record harvest is more likely to be considered legitimate than one made after a defeat or a famine. Victory and prosperity are seen as signs of divine favor, and a chief acting under the aura of such favor is likely to have his laws obeyed more than otherwise. [/quote] [quote=@Aristocles]- The chief can normally order the tribe to do anything he wants, as long as the shaman and leading warriors don't protest too much[/quote] [quote=@Aristocles]The leader of the tribe is the chief, who is always male. His rule is only subject to two limitations: the words of the shaman and the will of the strongest warriors beneath him. He personally leads the tribe into wars, gives approval to raids launched by warriors (which are smaller than a true war), hears cases and settles disputes, and metes out justice when a crime has occurred. The chief is chosen from among the strongest warriors when the previous one dies; the shaman is in charge between the rule of chiefs. This decision is made either by council or by a tournament in which the warriors fights until death or surrender for the right to be chief in a series of armed bouts. Once a new chief is chosen, he is given a ceremonial headdress by the shaman, and given control of the chief's hut. The chief usually has access to whatever adult female he wishes to have, but she can refuse his advances, thanks to the proclamations of the shamans (who explained that the gods frown on those who take a mate against her will.)[/quote] [@Shadow Dragon] Quoted a bunch of stuff mentioning the chief for you from throughout the thread, so that it's all in one place.