[center][color=00ff00][h1]Abbot Andrew[/h1][/color][/center] Andrew picked himself up and went to the table with the note. [color=00ff00]"What we talk about stays here," he looks at the two of them. Then he continues by showing them the envelope. [color=00ff00]"I have been summonsed to stand before the One Tooth Guild,"[/color] discomfort in his voice, [color=00ff00]"They are my second family, the ones who raised me and took care of me when my mother died."[/color] Not knowing what else to do he sits down, [color=00ff00]"I'm one of them or was one of them."[/color] He knew this wasn't news to the harbor master, but Master Brom wasn't from here. He continues, [color=00ff00]"The guild has a tradition that the oldest living thief is the master, and as thieves go, I'm old. But, I haven't been able to make contact with them to come to an understanding."[color=00ff00] Waving his arms wide to indicate the building he says,[color=00ff00]"This was the headquarters when I was a child, and this room is where I stayed."[/color] Looking at the Harbor Master he asks, [color=00ff00]"So has the captain still been around looking for his sword and dagger?"[/color] He waits for the reply then continues, [contact=00ff00]"So far, I figured people would talk to me and make contact. I forgot that this is a lot more complicated. I figured the boy would tell the message to the thief that was in our rooms and not spread the word around. I should have known better. Brom, am sorry for the rocks being thrown. I figured that building the wall would let me see how well you teach and give me a chance to interact with the guild rats."[/color] He taps the table gently. [color=00ff00]"I have been trying to come up with a plan to fix this,"[/color] he says, [color=00ff00]"No matter what I say, they won't believe me. So, I am thinking I am going to need to capture the new head of the Cat's Claw and bring the family back in line. Then we do something to get money and supplies flowing into and out of our port and then people."[/color] He wasn't sure he wanted to be the Guild Leader, but he would do it till they played nice with the bigger plan. He looks at the two of them, [color=00ff00]"Does that seem right?" he asked the two of them, looking for options.