Name: Chief (Koik) Age: 6 (about 27-30ish) Description: Standing at three feet, Koik is a thick, muscular goblin, with deep emerald skin, poisonous green eyes, and black/green hair. He wears a loincloth, a chieftains headdress made of stone and wood, and his iron sword on his back, his most prized possession. He enjoys brawls, as they let him prove his strength and savagery. Background (Still in progress): His personality tends to sway depending on who you are, and how much drink he's downed. He's a powerful fighter, and enjoys studying others fighting, to learn their habits and techniques to better fight them, if necessary. He hides his insecurities about his leadership by dueling anyone who challenges him. He currently has no romantic interests, and is suspicious of the blacksmith Clelk and his ambitions. He follows any counsel he can from the elders and Jig, the tribe shaman. He enjoys tending to the worgs, and studying their savagery. Gahji is a strange goblin in his eyes, but he seems to be able to talk to the worgs, to communicate with them a a deep level, so he just lets him mind his own business. He trains with his sword on a daily basis. Abilities: A relativity powerful fighter, he can pick out weak spots on others by observing their movements for a few minutes. Property: Central hut in the village, his iron sword, a black ring with a strange symbol on it that he can't decipher, a small food stash, and a bed. Is there anything else I need to add?