[quote=@Jones Sparrow] Hey, [@Nate1008]! I'm glad this RP caught your interest, and I'm sorry that I left you waiting! Everything [@Akayaofthemoon] said I completely agreed with. The Crawl give me a creepy "Flood" vibe from Halo haha! Although it'd be interesting to see, they are also somewhat similar to the "Dread" characters Akaya and I created as the main antagonists of the RP. Also, creating an antagonist villain would be difficult for pacing. There will be times where the crew isn't in immediate danger, like right now, and having that character put in would either force us to rush through character development moments, or having your character wait to post again. I'm not opposed to another challenge for the Marauders, but I think the Crawl would be difficult to balance with what's going on, you know? I suggest making "two" characters that are intertwined at that point. The main character that's a part of the crew, and a second one that's an antagonist and related to your main character (for example: Twins, and one of them was infected by a hivemind-like enemy that's trying to go after their sibling, since it feeds on their memory, maybe trying to get revenge on them for abandoning them). Again, I don't wanna shut down your idea, but it's just not the direction Akaya and I wanna go with :respek [/quote] [@Nate1008] This was our GM reply. You were mentioned but I know how messages/notifications can be missed, especially when it gets busy in real life. Hope you had nice travels and vacation!