Lucille was not surprised at all to hear that she made the middle dorm. Her performance during placement was certainly not terrible: she didn't get blown out like some of the other students. In fact, she even managed to edge out a win. But nothing about that placement duel was motivating, and that showed in her dueling. Duels like that are not what she is here for. She's only interested in real power. She stalked up to her room with her luggage and keys. Second floor, just beside the elevator. In this way, at least, she considered her luck good. After a cursory slide of the key card, Lucille entered her new home away from home. Her eyes darted from left to right and back again as she scanned the room. Bed, desk, nightstand, closet, everything seemed to be in order. With nothing out of the ordinary that she had to report, Lucille closed the door behind her and left her suitcase by her desk as she took a seat. She took out her deck and looked at it for a moment before spring flourishing the cards from one hand to the other. Then, setting it on the desk in front of her face-down, she took the card from the top and looked at it. [color=662d91][i]Condemned Witch.[/i][/color] This card has been with her for so long now, she's never took it out of her deck. Even now, she can almost feel it pushing her forward. Setting the card down on the desk beside her deck, she crossed her arms and wondered what it was she would find at this school, or even if there was anything here for her at all. With a sigh, she uncrossed her arms and stood up from her chair, moving toward her suitcase to begin the long and tedious process of unpacking.