[@PKMNB0Y] I can go back to that paragraph and tweak it, but I suppose that I should let you know that my intent behind that was to some degree reflect Blavatsky's own views towards the Mage Association. It is stated in her profile that she did have disagreements with the Association to the time of her death, so I thought it would be a good parallel to have the people who summoned Blavatsky not be completely enamored with the system. I'm not saying that the family is the most influential out there, and I'm not saying that my OC's family is out to become enemies with them. Simply that they have their doubts. Although if this wording is perhaps too strong then the bio will reflect that. I've adjusted it accordingly. And well if you want me to remove the Servant form to leave the Master alone as he was originally posted and simply leave a note stating that I would prefer for someone to play as my selected Servant when pairing with my OC that can be arranged. I simply made the servant form due to the fact that I was inspired to. I did think that in a two-way arrangement it would be a nice thing to have it to help familiarize yourself with that character considering that I would be looking at another Servant in exchange. But if you think letting them build it up from scratch will improve the quality of replies, consider my rendition of that Servant Form gone. I understand that someone may have arranged to play both their own Master and Servant, but I feel that I wouldn't be getting the same experience that I intended to try if I did that. If time passes and I feel the need to play as both my own Master and Servant then I suppose I'd deal with that hurdle when I get there.