Having not held the letter herself, Meesei was briefly surprised at how substantial it was. There were multiple pages folded into the envelope, written front and back, and not in large print. As Pircalmo started to read, Meesei wondered if she should find a seat. If there had been any doubt to Lunise's story, it would not have lasted long for her father. Even early in the letter, there were details that only Nytala could have known. The content of the letter was, of course, deeply personal between Nytala and Pircalmo, as one would expect of a married couple that had not spoken in centuries. Nytala spoke of regrets both old and new, commented on developments in Pircalmo's life that occurred well-after she left, and gave encouraging words for his future. He might have noticed some hints of how she had changed through the centuries in the way she spoke and the attitude she took, but he would still be able to see the personality of the woman he once knew. However, as much as she obviously wanted her correspondence to be a pleasant surprise for him, there was a bittersweet message behind it. She did not come right out and say it, but a great deal of the motivation behind her words was to let Pircalmo know that it was okay to move on. Given the circumstances of her departure, there had likely always been some doubt on whether or not she would return, but her letter put that doubt to rest. She was a part of the Psijic Order, believing in its goals and the role she expected she would play as a part of it. She did admit that she wished she could return, but had every reason to believe she would not. While it was possible that the Order may decide to return Artaeum to Tamriel, she would always be a part of the Order; possibly to the end of time itself, were she fortunate enough to live that long. While most of the letter was personal to Nytala and Pircalmo, there was a section close to the end that pertained more closely to the current situation: [i]There is still a part of me that wants to believe it was foolish for me to have even left Tamriel to begin with, if only for what it might have meant for our daughter. I can only be thankful for you, and for the role you have had in shaping her. It is ironic that, despite my absence, I have had more of an opportunity to watch how she has shaped her life as an adult. I will respect her privacy, and her right to decide for herself what details of her life she is comfortable sharing, but I can say that she has become a woman to be proud of. I know we both worry for the danger in which our daughter's lifestyle places her, but she is brave, principled, and possesses wisdom far beyond her peers. Some of her choices may be hard to understand, but if you still trust me, then believe me when I say that you should trust her as well. In some ways, I now believe her judgment is better than my own.[/i]