[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/y1ZJvU8.jpg[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] Kol & Jack (NPCs) Kellie [@Dirty Pretty Lies] & Max [@spooner] [url=https://media2.giphy.com/media/51UdTLvbyReqNK3Bic/giphy.gif]<----[/url] [b]Mentions:[/b] Georgie [@ineffable], Gavin [@self][/center] [hider=Sunday Morning] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=d_v67LUZxp0][img]https://i.imgur.com/jFI1JJA.jpg[/img][/url][/center] The night of the party had ended quite differently than Sawyer had imagined earlier that night, but he wouldn’t take any of it back. Sure, he got puked on. Had it been anyone but Georgie, he’d have felt a lot differently about the whole thing. It didn’t bother him too much, though. He’d been through a lot worse, before. The following morning was spent with him stuck in his garage trying to work out what had happened the night before. He kissed Georgie. [i]And she kissed back.[/i] He couldn’t really remember much else, but Gavin filled in the blanks. With… some annoyingly accurate advice on what he should do about it all. Gavin reluctantly provided his brother with Georgie’s number, giving the girl a warning message that her long lost love would contact her sometime throughout the day. Sawyer slid out from beneath his truck and breathed out a heavy sigh as he sat up into a sitting position, eyeballing his phone he’d left up on his work bench. He spent a few moments staring at it before getting up to wipe off his greasy hands on a rag, snatching up his cellphone so he could text Georgie. [quote=To: Herツ] [color=#40733d]Hey Georgie. It’s Sawyer.[/color] [/quote] [b]Send.[/b] Sawyer stood there looking at the message for a moment before shaking his head and clicking his phone off before heading upstairs to take a shower. Georgie picked up her phone which had buzzed quite annoyingly, interrupting her sleep. Rolling over, she groaned as she powered up her phone and looked at the screen. As soon as her eyes latched onto the contact name Georgie literally felt like she was going to throw up. She could remember snatches from last night but by god, did it feel both embarrassing and liberating at the same time. She pursed her lips for quite some time before she responded. [quote=To: Sawyie] [color=slateblue]Hey there stranger[/color] [/quote] [quote=To: Herツ] [color=#40733d]Heh. Hey stranger. You busy today?[/color] [/quote] [quote=To: Sawyie] [color=slateblue]Busy getting over this hangover ;) But Otherwise...I’m free. What’s up?[/color] [/quote] The boy rubbed his face with both hands, groaning softly to himself before picking his phone back up to send a reply. Keeping it simple was probably best. [quote=To: Herツ] [color=#40733d]:P We need to talk, luv.[/color] [/quote] Talk? Of course they needed to talk. Georgie scoffed before she winced at her own sound. Maybe some Ibuprofen would help. Slowly, she swung her legs over the side of her bed and shuffled towards the bathroom, texting Sawyer as she went. [quote=To: Sawyie] [color=slateblue]Of course… How? Or rather, where do you want to talk?[/color] [/quote] [quote=To: Herツ] [color=#40733d]Er… idk honestly. Figured in person would be best..? ,’:/ I could swing by your place..? Or you could come over here? Whats easiest for you?[/color] [/quote] [quote=To: Sawyie] [color=slateblue]I don’t think I’m in the best state to drive Obviously lol Uh would it be okay if you came to mine? Maybe Gavin could drive u?[/color] [/quote] Sawyer smirked a bit, typing back quickly. [quote=To: Herツ] [color=#40733d]Yeah sorry. Kinda forgot just how far gone we both were last night lol Im feelin pretty decent actually. Ill be okay to drive. Promise ツ Be over in a bit ok? I just gotta get shoes on and then ill leave ![/color] [/quote] [quote=To: Sawyie] [color=slateblue]drive safe please! I’ll see you soon.[/color] [/quote] Georgie sighed and rubbed her face as she looked at their conversation. Then she jolted awake as she realized that she looked like complete and utter shit. [color=slateblue][b]”What a mess.”[/b][/color] Georgie muttered to herself as she grabbed a cute white dress off it’s hanger, holding it up to herself. Would that be overdressing? She nodded, answering her own question as she traded it for a thin white lacy top and jeans instead. As she hurried through her makeup routine and shower, Georgie could only go through the flashes of last night. [i]The[/i] kiss was basically kind of the only thing that she remembered, as funny as that seemed. She did remember throwing up, and professing her love and small tiny snatches of conversation. But everything other than that was a complete and utter blur. She [i]had[/i] to clear things up with Sawyer. With one last flick to her lashes with her trusty mascara wand she hurried downstairs, quickly responding to her parents “Good Morning”s with a wave and a smile, telling them that she was expecting a friend over. Georgie rolled her eyes as they both made amused faces at each other and walked out into the entryway where she finally took a seat on the couch there, trying hard to look confident yet cute and hoping desperately that she was pulling it off. In the time it had taken Georgie to get ready, Sawyer had managed to find his shoes and slip on a hoodie of his, spraying some cologne on before rushing downstairs to his truck to which he hopped in and drove out to Georgie’s place. Of course he still knew where she lived. Knew the route like the back of his hand. Maybe even better. As he pulled up into the driveway and cut off the engine, he sat there a moment staring up at her window. It’d been quite a long time since he’d been here. [i]Invited[/i], anyway. Once or twice, back in his “ripper days” (as Gavin liked to call them), he had found himself standing on the sidewalk in front of her home. Sawyer contemplated the thought of texting her that he was here or walking up to the door and just straight knocking… the [sub]proper[/sub] manners he was raised up on won over in the end, pushing him out of his truck and on up to the front door. The boy ran a nervous hand through his hair as he pulled up his phone and checked his appearance in the reflection on the screen. He was currently regretting not combing his hair back, instead it seemed to have a mind of its own today. Sawyer did what he could to brush it back over his head before sighing heavily with defeat as he knocked firmly on the wooden door, taking a step back to wait for the door to be answered. He shoved his hands into his hoodie pocket and stared down at his shoes, chewing on his lower lip nervously as he stood there patiently waiting. Georgie jumped to her feet as soon she heard the knock and strode over to the door, taking a couple of deep breaths as she swung it open. Sawyer nearly jumped when the door blew open, his eyes quickly traveling up from Georgie’s feet to her eyes. His mouth fell open slightly in an attempt to say hello, but it got lost in translation as he gave her another look-over, a small smile creeping up on his face as it turned a slight shade of red. [color=#40733d][b]“Hello luv,”[/b][/color] he barely managed in a soft tone, stepping up to hug her but stopped himself halfway to her, walking beside her as he shut the door behind them. The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously, looking around the house. Almost nothing had changed. It was like they were back in Sophomore year again before things turned to shit between them. [color=slateblue][b]“Hey”[/b][/color] Georgie could hear herself sounding quite antsy and took in the sight of Sawyer, who seemed equally as nervous as she did. As soon as she realized how loud her voice had been, her parents had already rounded the corner and she held a hand up to her face, sighing.. [color=#BEBAD5][b]“Sawyer?”[/b][/color] Her mother stopped in the doorway of the kitchen and squinted her eyes at the boy. [color=#7E76AD][b]“Hey buddy, didn’t expect to see [i]you[/i] back here anytime soon…”[/b][/color] Mr. Fielders launched himself at Sawyer with a few huge strides, holding his hand out for a handshake. Mrs. Fielders only rolled her eyes at Georgie and mouthed quite dramatically:[i][color=#BEBAD5] ‘What happened?’[/color][/i] Georgie shrugged and made a vague hand gesture. Sawyer had seen [i]the parents’[/i] cars in the driveway, but he hadn’t really prepared himself for a potential run-in. A small, semi-awkward smile spread across his face as Georgie’s parents greeted him in their own ways. [color=#40733d][b]“Mrs. Fielders.”[/b][/color] Sawyer bowed his head respectfully at her with a flash of a genuine smile towards her, his eyes meeting Mr. Fielders’ as he approached the boy. [color=#40733d][b]“Always a pleasure,”[/b][/color] he met Mr. Fielders’ outstretched hand with his own in a firm shake. [color=#40733d][b]“Well--”[/b][/color] Sawyer took a step back, standing close to Georgie with a [i]friendly[/i], respectable space between them. The boy glanced back at Georgie before turning his attention back to her father, [color=#40733d][b]“Quite honestly, sir, I didn’t either.”[/b][/color] Georgie blushed as she heard Sawyer’s reply and walked up to her dad, placing a hand on his arm and trying her best to steer him away. [color=#BEBAD5][b]“Well, it’s always been good to see you, Sawyer”[/b][/color] Her mom piped in uncertainly from her side as her dad frowned down at Georgie. Her mom cast Georgie another of her famous judgy looks as she ushered away Mr. Fielders, who, with a huge wave bid a loud goodbye to Sawyer. Sawyer could see the look Georgie’s mom cast her daughter, wondering to himself just how much Georgie may have told her mom about why the boy hadn’t come around the last two years. And if it was [i]actually[/i] good to see him. He hoped the statement was genuine, and not just fake flattery. He smiled at Georgie’s mother and chuckled softly as her father was dragged away, slowly turning to face Georgie. [color=#40733d][b]”Well… that was awkward,”[/b][/color] he smirked, a nervous grin casting across his face as he took another look around. The boy chewed on his bottom lip as he stood there awkwardly, sighing heavily as he brought his eyes back to Georgie’s. [color=#40733d][b]”So, um.. Do you…. er..”[/b][/color] He didn’t know how to put it into words. Kind of sounded awkward in his head to ask if she wanted to [i]’take this to the bedroom’[/i]. Normally the whole awkwardness around it would have had him laughing, but this was a pretty serious moment for him. He was desperate to know where they stood. He knew he didn’t deserve anything from her, even just friends. But they’d been drunk, and exchanged their secrets… [i]and kissed[/i]. Georgie shook her head at her parent’s receding backs, she loved them (and missed their presence sometimes) but they were always so annoying about Sawyer and kept giving each other meaningful looks when he was around. She turned to pay attention to the words coming out of Sawyer’s mouth and quickly cut in when she could see that he was struggling to finish his sentence. [color=slateblue][b]“We can go to my room if you want...We wouldn’t want my parent’s eavesdropping, do we?”[/b][/color] She tried to smile reassuringly before turning and leading the way up the stairs. Sawyer reflected her smile, watching as she ascended the stairs to her room. [color=40733d][b]”As if I had a choice,”[/b][/color] he joked as he followed her, taking everything different in the house as he went. Georgie gave a laugh in response to his words as she made her way to the room, picking up a printed photo she’d left on the floor and making to discard it before she looked down and saw Max, spread peacefully on the sandy bluff, his curls lifting slightly in the sunshine. Georgie furrowed her brow and for some reason, instead of putting it in the bin where it belonged, she instead tucked it into a cupboard on her desk. She turned to smile at Sawyer, rubbing her arms in the cold air conditioned room before she crossed over to her closet and took down a grey, well worn hoodie from it’s hanger. She quickly pulled it over herself and sat down on her bed. [color=slateblue][b]“Much better.” [/b][/color] She said aloud before stuffing her hands into the pockets of the hoodie and lifting the fabric up slightly. [color=slateblue][b]“I love this hoodie, it makes me feel safe...I have no idea where I got it from though. I wish I remembered.”[/b][/color] She laughed before she continued [color=slateblue][b]“I’m sorry for the ramble. I just thought it looked like something you would wear...maybe you know the shop?”[/b][/color] Sawyer sat himself down in her desk chair, not sure if sitting on the bed would be uncomfortable or awkward for the pair, instead he chose the safe route. As he watched her go through her closet and pull out a hoodie to wear, the boy’s eyebrows furrowed. [i]’Was that..? No...’[/i] It wasn’t until she turned around that his breath caught in his throat, a big ol’ shit-eating grin spread wide across his face. Sawyer’s soft hazel eyes watched the girl, only [i]just[/i] hearing what she said to him. He chuckled softly and sat forward a bit, not really sure what to say. The fact she still had his sweatshirt that he’d accidentally left at her place one of the last times they hung out before their friendship fell apart... it blew his mind. [color=40733d][b]”It [i]looks[/i] like something I’d wear?”[/b][/color] He laughed a bit, raising an eyebrow as he leaned back in the chair again and crossed his arms, giving Georgie a charming smile. [color=40733d][b]"How about you give me mine back and I’ll get you your own from the store I got it from?”[/b][/color] He laughed, having no intention of actually taking the sweatshirt from her. Suddenly his smile slowly faded, a more serious tone in his voice. Sad. [color=40733d][b]”Honestly I’m surprised to see it. Figured maybe you’d have burned it, or something...”[/b][/color] The boy chewed on his inner cheek and averted his gaze, having a momentary flashback of the fight they had before they had stopped talking a couple of years ago Georgie looked on curiously as he smiled at her, and only reacted when he started speaking. She looked down at the jacket and looked back up at him, her gaze serious as she picked up on his own tone. [color=slateblue][b]“I didn’t realise...I...I kept it as a keepsake. The rest I packed away. I would never have destroyed anything of yours. I don’t...I [i]can’t[/i] think that way. What we had back then were great memories. And even though they did hurt I just didn’t want them to be nothing, you know?”[/b][/color] Georgie shook her head and jumped off her bed, scrounging under the bed frame for the dusty box she knew she kept there. She retrieved it, placed it on her bed and opened up the top of the box revealing countless photos and knick-knacks, all that was left of them after their “break-up”. [color=#40733d][b]”Yeah, I hear ya’.”[/b][/color] Sawyer hesitantly got up from the chair and shuffled his way over to the bed as she plopped a box on the bed and proceeded to open it up. All the pictures she’d had up on the wall of their shared adventures and mischief together, toys won at arcades and fairs, and other items of the like. Sawyer’s smile slowly returned as he gently took a seat on the opposite side of the box from her, reaching in to pull out a few photos from the top. [color=#40733d][b]”Georgie.. I…”[/b][/color] The boy began flipping through the photos, stopping at one in particular. It was from the fair the year they’d stopped talking. A series of photos with them in different goofy poses, the second to last one of them laughing as if no one was looking, the very last one showed them embracing each other in a hug while they smiled like idiots. He remembered it as if it happened only moments ago. He peeked up at Georgie before setting the pictures tenderly back into the box, flashing the little smile he only ever reserved for her. [color=#40733d][b]”I’ve really missed you.”[/b][/color] Georgie cradled one of the small teddy bears he’d given her two years ago and forced herself to look up into his eyes, no matter how hard her heart was pounding. [color=slateblue][b]“I’ve missed you too.” [/b][/color] Was all she could manage to say before she fell quiet for a while, her fingers stroking the teddy’s soft fur. [color=slateblue][b]“Maybe..We should talk about what you came here for.”[/b][/color] She reminded him gently. Sawyer’s smile faltered ever so slightly at her reminder, nodding mostly to himself. [i][color=#40733d]’Right,’[/color][/i] he thought solemnly. The boy sat upright and placed his hands in his lap, looking down at his hands as he began to talk. [color=#40733d][b]”So, uhm.. Yeah, about [i]last night[/i]... I uh..”[/b][/color] Sawyer cleared his throat nervously before continuing, [color=#40733d][b]”I know we both weren’t in our right minds, and I just want you to know that there’s no obligation to feel any certain way, or say or do anything about it.”[/b][/color] His words all came out in a rush, all jumbled together within a single breath. This was definitely not how he’d rehearsed it to himself while fooling around under his truck this morning. God was he making a fool of himself. Sawyer took another deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing further, [color=#40733d][b]”Georgie, I [i]did[/i] mean what I said last night. I-I’ve always cared about you, a-and I know it’s not in my place to say what happens between us, but I just really hope we can at least be friends because the truth is.. Life has really sucked without you in it, and I’m just happy we’re on speaking terms, as it is...”[/b][/color] Sawyer’s words trailed off. He wasn’t exactly sure how he wanted to word everything, and it didn’t seem to be coming out the way he wanted it to, but he figured now would be a good place to stop and give her a chance to say something. He’d been rambling on enough as it was. The boy looked up at Georgie, ready for whatever kind of blowback his words might bring on. [color=slateblue][b][i]“Dude.”[/i][/b][/color] Georgie began, exasperated. [color=slateblue][b]“I thought I told you already, but...I love you. And, I don’t know what we should be right now, or what [i]I[/i] should do...or even [i]when[/i] we’ll be able to talk about our problems again... but I just...I just need to do [u]this[/u].”[/b][/color] Slowly Georgie brushed back her hair and leaned closer to Sawyer, the teddy bear toppling out of her hands as she pressed her lips to his. Sawyer opened his mouth to say something but was quickly shut down as he felt her lips press against his. He couldn’t help but smile a little, pressing back into the kiss as he scooted the box out of the way and moved a little closer to her, taking her face in his hands as he kissed her passionately. [color=slateblue][b]“Let’s not care about anything else, just yet. I love you and you love me...and that’s enough, right?”[/b][/color] Georgie whispered against his lips, not waiting for an answer as she leaned in closer, her body flush against his. The boy nodded gently, his heart racing in his chest as he sat a little further back on the bed. As she moved closer and pressed herself into him he slowly guided her into his lap, holding her close to him with his arms wrapped around her back to support her. He shut his eyes and held her close as they began to lose themselves in the moment. [sub]Not like that, ya’ nasties.[/sub] [/hider] Sawyer quickly pushed out of the classroom and fell in with the crowd that moved their way towards the lunch hall and the quad, his eyes searching the sea of students for a few faces. It wasn't long before the boy was nearly knocked to his knees from behind, tackled by his two best friends. Jack Donovan and Kol Halliday. [color=purple][b]"LOCKWOOD!"[/b][/color] the boys called out obnoxiously loud. Sawyer smirked at his friends and shoved them both away from him with a laugh, readjusting his grip on his lacrosse stick and helmet. [color=#40733d][b]"Boys,"[/b][/color] was all Sawyer managed before he was interrupted by said boys. [color=gold][b]"Lock, we still running drills for lunch?"[/b][/color] Jack asked as he peeked around Kol. [color=cyan][b]"Yeah, man. We need to make up for the slack this weekend. What with the recovery time after that party at Kavi's."[/b][/color] Jack and Kol exchanged a look and smirked as they low-fived each other. It had been discussed that the two of them had gotten lucky that night, and Sawyer, well.. he got thrown up on. Which had been an extensive joke over the weekend. Lockwood was surprised it wasn't the topic of the hour. They were never going to let him live it down. Sawyer'd shared some other details about the night. Not the proclamations of love, but the drunk kiss and the morning to follow. Although the morning after the party's details were kept vague, he let the boy's imaginations take them wherever they thought the morning had gone. Of course, boys will be boys. Sawyer let them believe him and Georgie had done more than just kiss and cuddle. It was a lot easier than telling them the truth and getting teased about him being the only one in the group who hadn't gotten laid over the weekend. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. [color=gold][b]"Yeah, and what with [i]Fockwood[/i] going on [i]all day[/i] yesterday."[/b][/color] Both the boys broke out in big ol' grins as they shoved Sawyer, roughing him around as they pushed their way out from the main building and into the quad. Sawyer didn't respond, he just pulled his helmet on and gripped his Lacrosse stick in both hands. [color=#40733d][b]"You girls gonna stand there and talk all day, or what?"[/b][/color] Kol rolled his eyes and Jack flipped Sawyer off with a grin. [color=cyan][b]"Should we see if ol' Maxy is up for it, today?"[/b][/color] [color=#40733d][i]'Ooh. Speaking of Max, that reminds me,'[/i][/color] Sawyer thought to himself as he stuck his lacrosse stick under one arm and pulled out his phone, typing out a quick text. [quote=To: Kellz] Hey. So, uh.. is it true, about you and Wallenburg? G told me. Was just wondering if it was fr or not.[/quote] [color=gold][b]"Umm, hello. Earth to Lockwood."[/b][/color] Sawyer looked up to see both his friends staring at him with confused but curious looks. [color=#40733d][b]"Sorry."[/b][/color] Sawyer quickly tucked his phone away, looking at his teammates. [color=#40733d][b]"Long as he's not busy entertaining the ladies, I'm sure he'd be willing to join in."[/b][/color] The boys set off together with their new mission of finding their captain, Sawyer keeping a watchful eye out for Georgie. Partially because he wanted to see her, but also to keep the boys far away from her. Neither of them knew how to keep their mouths shut, and might end up saying something that'd upset her. Plus, he'd probably get teased for how 'soft' he acted around her. They'd probably go so far as to say he was [i]'whipped'.[/i] Pfft. Sawyer sent out another text, this time to Max. [quote=To: Wallenburg] Hey, I got Jack and Kol with me. We were gonna go to the field and do some drills. Wya man? Interested?[/quote]