[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NuqXk9g.png[/img][/center] [@Hammerman] [hr] Katherine groaned when she learned who was supplying this luxurious safehouse. "Man, I guess I can't complain but I really don't want to owe that guy." The subject of the demon, thought, required her serious attention. Christine was obviously still unsettled by the whole thing and, honestly, Kath was too. There was a part of her, deep down, where she could feel a ring of fire. One that stood empty. [i]I couldn't very well save our lives from in there, could I? I'll told you, there was some bleed. We mingled.[/i] What did that mean for her? [i]Rest assured, I cannot simply assume direct control and fly out of here again. It simply means that, should you ever require my aide again, it would not take something so dire as a mortal wound to bring my strength to bare. [/i] That was...unsettling. She opened her mouth to try and tell Christine, but... [i]Do you really wish to worry her more than she already is? Look at the poor girl.[/i] Right. Katherine had been through hell yesterday, but at least she'd been out for most of it. Christine had been forced to watch it all happen. She imagined how she would feel watching her sister in the throes of possession, knowing the only thing standing between her and certain death was the strength and machinations of a demonic being. The thought of it, of how horribly powerless she'd feel in that moment, sent a rolling shutter of revolution through her entire body. So she put on her brave face, smiled warmly, and gave Christine's hand a gentle squeeze. "She's fine. It was an emergency thing. So long as I'm not literally dying, I'm all me. Turn's out it's easier to get into a castle when there's a big stinking hole in the wall. Who knew, right?" She laughed. It hurt, but she did of anyway. What was she joking around for, this was her life she was talking about. Speaking of which, a thought occurred. "Oh shit...have you called mom and dad?" That whole debacle had to been in the news. Sure they were distant, but gods above, they would be freaking out right now.