Pebs lowers the hook into the drain, and combined with the darkness of the drain and the narrow drain holes, she has an unexpectedly hard time not only hooking but also pulling up the key out of the drain! She's at the task for roughly 15 minutes, growing more and more frustrated as she fails to hook the large key ring over and over again. Then, elation when she finally hooks it, which is immediately replaced by more frustration when she has trouble getting the hook and key to turn in the right direction for it to come back out of the drain again. By the time she finally gets it out, Pebs has earned the Status Effect of [b]Frustrated[/b], which reduces all Utility rolls by 1 die until she is able to successfully perform another action. The good news, however, is that she now has the key! [right][sup][@Typical][@Vertigo][/sup][/right]