[h3][color=orchid]Andras[/color][/h3] Andras felt her stomach drop when Vera spoke. She went from pleasantly sleepy to stone cold awake. She dared not move, in some kind of childish attempt at seeming asleep. Andras tried to formulate responses to Vera's statements, but she was still frozen in fear. Her brain made them easily, but she both didn't want to interrupt if Vera was to begin talking, and was scared of mispronouncing her words from the sheer nervousness she felt. After Vera finished talking, there was hanging silence for a moment before Andras realized she was supposed to say something. Then, all of her responses flew from her mouth at once. "[b][color=orchid]Yes!I'mawake! Uh! I didn't mean- Maybe I do sleepwalkbutI'mnottryingtobebold![/color][/b]" She took a moment to gasp for breath. "[color=orchid][b]B-Bed was great! I-I-I mean, not because you were in it! But![/b][/color]" Andras's mind raced to a single conclusion. '[color=mediumorchid]This is a mess. Bail. Bail! BAIL![/color]' She quickly made the decision to run out of the room as fast as possible. She quickly threw the bedsheets aside, and jumped to her feet. And as her legs gave out underneath her, she remembered that the previous day was a bit of a personal marathon for her. She grabbed onto a bedpost to keep from falling on her face and slowly lowered herself to the ground. "[b][color=orchid]Vera... I think I need help...[/color][/b]" Andras meekly whimpered.