[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/q5Qsp31.png[/img] [hider=Resources] 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Time[/b][/u][/color] 💎 Early morning/Late night. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💎 Wilderness. 💎 Close to Roshmi. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💎 None. 🌀 [color=7e9ebc][u][b]Ambience[/b][/u][/color] 💎 [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oWkFU_1Hcck]"We'll make camp here."[/url] [/hider][/center] With a thickening forest stretching its way across the distance, Inori managed a small huff. He was not one for long hikes, and tended towards a more lazy approach. However, he had avoided flashy presentations in a most dangerous surrounding. There was, after all, a risk of ambush, especially considering Inori, himself. He glowed in the light, like a beacon of attention. Where some would consider the sight an intimidating display, bombastic and colorful, others could very well register a snack. Whether to their demise or Inori's own, was an outcome he would rather avoid calculating. [color=7e9ebc]"Korvash, we'll get ambushed in this darkness."[/color] Inori offered. With a dainty motion of his hands, glimmering blue light, like a starlit sky surrounded the demon's clawed fingers. It was matched by a shimmering mist which appeared behind Inori's slender frame. A long, blue spear clearly magical in nature, ethereal and ghostly, carried the demon's weight as he softly dropped onto it where the conjured weapon floated. "Y'lazy, Inori!" Korvash laughed, grinning at the small demon, his tusks barely visible in the night. "Let'm ambush! S'how orcs says ay'!" Raising a brow at the brute, Inori appeared unable to hide his growing grin, those shark-like teeth, as if razors within the demon's maw, were like diamonds in the moonlight. [color=7e9ebc]"An entertaining development, but..,"[/color] Inori spoke, his short, slender legs lazily swaying where he sat, [color=7e9ebc]"that magical surge shouldn't go ignored."[/color] "Was just a rumble!" Korvash stated with a snark. "Little demon boy scared, eh?" Though a short pause lingered between Inori and Korvash, the Demonic creature eventually tilted his head. [color=7e9ebc]"You should be,"[/color] came a response. [color=7e9ebc]"What I felt was.., odd."[/color] "Blagh, magic's fucked up, demon boy." Korvash returned, sitting down on the ground with a heavy thud. He rummaged through his traveler's bag, and produced a gathering of jerky, one of which he tossed to the demon. "Less'ope we get ambushed. Tis' fuckin' borin', sittin' here like this." Biting into his jerky, those sharp teeth easily tearing into dried meat, Inori chuckled, his melodic voice a soft, lingering tune. [color=7e9ebc]"Well, then. Scream very loudly, and draw your sword. I hear gnolls tend to come rushing after mad orcs."[/color] Loud laughter echoed through the beast, and he proceeded to lean against a tree. "Lemme' finish m'jerky, and we'll fucking go!" [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TxnwGck.png[/img][/center]