[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NuqXk9g.png[/img][/center] [@Hammerman] [hr] Katherine narrowed her eyes. Yeah, Clara. She had known that her sisters friends were dirty, rotten cheaters that liked to mess with other schools. Killers, though? Outsode of Vitto's insane grudge? They were going to have to have a long talk about what Christine's little club had actually gotten up to while Kath wasn't looking. That was a exhausting conversation for another day. It was time for a different hard conversation. She sighed. "Could you handle it, please? I'm not sure I'm up to explaining how I got possessed to them right now." In fact, she was getting pretty drowsy again. Slowly she laid back down, looking a little more peaceful than she had been before. "Give me a day or two, I'll be back up and cracking skulls before you know it." [hr] [Center][h3]Naseaph Sana[/h3][/center] The neighbors were looking at him oddly, with the suspicious paranoid of those whom had heard of disaster but had not been directly touched by it. He could see them, peeking out from the windows, watching him perform his morning routine. He thought one of them was on the phone, probably describing the strange featured boy doing Kung-fu in front of a nice, upscale home. He cared not, continuing to punch and kick on Vera's front lawn. He supposed anyone that looked like him would be a object of suspicion, at least for a while. His physical abnormality, up until now simply a point of curiosity, would only cause concern in the wake of so many freak coming out of the woodwork to assault everything these people considered normal. That was a good thing, in his opinion. He might get a few good fights in the aftershock of the attack. He certainly hadn't gotten anything last night, to his disappointment. A group of demon worshiping nutjobs appear and he hadn't gotten to battle with a single one. Him! A member of the race once called angels, the hand picked warriors of the gods. He stopped, having finished a particularly elaborate sequences. "Ose!" He shouted, brining his morning warm up to an end. Nodding to himself, he shook the sweat from his face before turning and heading up the stairs to Vera's home. He opened up the door, and entered for the first time since he'd arrived. He looked around, walking inside until he discovered the kitchen and grinned. He went immediately to the refrigerator and yanked open the door. Someone had already taken the liberty of clearing out much of the food, but they hadn't touched what Naseaph was looking for. A disturbingly genuine smile plastersd it's way across the bird boys face. "Juice." He said hungrily, pulling out a half gallon of orange juice. He pulled off the cap, tossing it carelessly onto the floor before bringing the carton up to his mouth and beginning to drink. And drink. And drink. In a few moment he crushed the empty carton with with a satisfied growl and an undignified full body shutter that he was glad no one was around to see. Despite everything else, that was a wonderfully vitalizing way to start the morning. Now all he needed was a good soak. He tossed the carton in the trash bin and started looking for the girls shower.